very sick ....-_________- ....bleh...::cough::

Nov 18, 2003 22:08

Well yesterday I had an ichy throat all day, today I'm just getting the full force of everything. sore throat, coughing, and feeling weak...oh joy... I've noticed how the only time I update is when I feel weak or bad, my life can't be that depressing can it ? oh well, I saw Finding Nemo (again) every since I got the DVD on Sunday I love it, it makes me feel happy... har har har.... sea monkeys took my money X D, i always mention sea monkeys lol. ::cough cough:: it's too hilarious, ' just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming' - Dori is just too funny, she has short term memory. and the part with squishy is to die for! 'i laughed, i cried, i ..coughed up a lung somewhere along the movie. when i first saw it on Sunday i was like 'YAY finding Nemo !!' then the movie opens up with a barracuda eating Nemo's mom, yea that was great i bet kids had got a kick out of that, either suffering from insomnia or by now taking anti-depressants for a while, both are possible. I saw The Matrix revolutions last Monday with Sabrina, Michelle, and Karen and i got in (being 16) :: rebel without a cause:: is was good but definitely not as good as the first or second, I mean it left lots of plot holes, but i dont expect all the movies to be good, its awesome that the Matrix had good reviews in the second movie, very few have good trilogies. I'm going to be cutting my kung-fu dosage quite a bit, since i seem to be having a really hard time doing stuff for school, I'm going to start taking art classes as well to get ready for college, grrr...I hate being a responsible turd. you can just see how my life is just about to get more complicated. I haven't been getting much sleep as well. :: never ending cough ::...::5 minutes later::... sry about that, owww my throat really hurt on that one. other than that i have nothing new going on. I have Hellsing to watch courtesy of Will but until my speakers function I don't see it happening any time soon
-.- ;; well I guess I'll end it about here.

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