Nov 16, 2006 16:55
I haven't posted here in a hot minute! I have five horses now. Duchess had a gorgeous stud colt sired by Zhivago on June 2nd.
So now I have:
and Chance!
I also have a mild concussion. I was riding Zhivago yesterday and we were going down a hill and as we were passing by an anthill his front end dropped out from underneath me. Apparently the ants had tunneled a great extent around their little mound. His front legs went down nearly up to his belly. I'm astonished that he didn't break his leg. I was luckily wearing a helmet (a wise idea when riding a three year old stallion who is being taken on his 5th trail ride) which saved me from being severely fucked up. When he went down I got rocketed over his shoulder straight onto the front part of my head. I'm glad I had an expensive helmet, a cheap one would have shifted and possibly broken my nose. The only parts of me that his the ground were the front of my head and one of my elbows. Needless to say my head hurts a great deal. I was a lot worse off yesterday though. I was talking really slow and my ears were ringing on top of being nauseous and lightheaded. Never a dull moment! Zhivago was a good boy though. He didn't leave me when I fell. 9 out of 10 horses take off after their rider falls. All of my horses are pretty good about not doing that. I gave him lots of hugs for that. I was very pleased and impressed.
Both of my mares are completely body clipped. It is really nice. Makes them so much easier to clean up and to cool down after riding them. I bought Paisley an adorable purple plaid Weatherbeeta blanket. She looks likes a little kids prissy show pony in it! I need to get Picasso a blanket too. He has a thick bunny rabbit coat though so I'm not too worried unless its really windy and rainy and 40 degrees outside. He's precious. He has the exact same markings that his mother does but is chestnut like Zhivago. He's built beautifully. I can't wait until he's old enough to start riding. He's a snugglebug. He lets me hug him all I want whereas Zhivago hated it when I would squish him. Heehee.
I live in Gatewood Apartments now with my boyfriend, Chris, and Andy and Danny. We have 3 other critters living with us too. I have my giant Great Dane, Sadie along with my recently acquired bi-polar cat Skittles who has shredded everyone who comes over or lives with us except for myself. It must be my stellar karma! :-P. We also have Andy's yellow Lab mix that was neutered yesterday because he keeps marking all over the apartment and even peed on my cloths!!! Yea, I wasn't too amused by that one!
I hope everyone had a fun Halloween! I liked having Trick or Treaters. They were really cute! Sadie kept baying at the door everytime it was knocked on though, which scared the shit out of some of the people. I'd gone out and bought $30 of candy so we didn't run out. Heehee.
Well I'm going to go feed and blanket my creachums. My head hurts and I'm tired so I figure I should go do it now before it gets dark. I'll try to post again either later or sometime soon.