Free personality analysis from
Generated on Wed Nov 9 12:45:22 2005.
Your Existing Situation
Avoids excessive effort and needs roots, security, and peaceful
companionship. May be physically unwell, in need of gentle handling and
considerate treatment.
Your Stress Sources
The tenacity and strength of will necessary to contend with existing
difficulties has become weakened. Feels overtaxed, worn out, and getting
nowhere, but continues to stand her ground. She feels this adverse
situation as an actual tangible pressure which is intolerable to her and
from which she wants to escape, but she feels unable to make the
necessary decision.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which
has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet;
becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Conditions are such that she
will not let herself become intimately involved without making mental
Your Desired Objective
Needs a way of escape from all that oppresses her and is clinging to
vague and illusory hopes.
Your Actual Problem
The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really
beyond her capabilities, or reserves of strength, have led to
considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. She
reacts by seeking outside confirmation of her ability and value in order
to bolster her self-esteem. Inclined to blame others so that she may
shift the blame from herself. Anxiously searching for solutions and prone
to compulsive inhibitions and compulsive desires.
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