I went shopping today and spent all kinds of money that I don't have and bought all kinds of things that I don't need and it was awesome...
I bought
this poster...and it is the most beautiful thing ever.
And I bought a pair of orange Skechers...and The Da Vinci Code...and a sequined shirt that doesn't fit so I have to return it...grrr.
Not that any of you really were interested in what I bought...but there it all is anyway.
I painted today, too. I can't tell if the picture is finished, though. I keep looking at it and I can't tell if it's done. It's not of anything, really...just lines and shapes and whatnot.
I did no homework this weekend. My bad. But it's okay because I'm going to kill my education professor so there won't really be anything due after that anyway and that's the class I have the most to do for.
There's a damn mouse in the wall in my bedroom. I'm going to effing kill him, too. He must be building a frigging metropolis or something with all the noise he's making. Gosh.