It's BAAAAAAAACK!!! *happy-dance* And I even watched the episode already, yay me! :p Just that much: it was again a very intense one, yes, that's my show *pats CM tenderly and huggles Hotch just because*
Only available as a .zip-file, from Megaupload, about 2540 caps in jpg, ~91MB.
Link is below. (INFO! if the link doesn't work anymore, let me know and I'll upload the file again and for all those who are not familiar with MegaUpload, check out
this post :)) Samples under the cut! Enjoy!
link to my CM Screencaps Folder)
Oh, I just realized I didn't cap 4x10-4x11, so if anyone still needs and wants them, let me know and I'll upload them for you :)
And in celebration of the new episodes: new
profile layout and FO banner, wheeee! xD