Title: This is a War, Not a Garden Party (a one-shot + three outtakes)
soloprojectRating/Warnings: R for non-explicit sex, language
Wordcount: 6,400
Characters: McCoy/Kirk; minor pairings in the BG
Summary: A sequel to
Postal Service, the one where Jim is a mailman and Bones is a vet and his life is totally not like Gone with the Wind.
A/N: Thanks
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Comments 63
"No, absolutely not," McCoy intervened, stabbing a potato and using it to point at her.
"Why not!?" Joanna protested, flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
"Because he's daddy's boyfriend, alright?" McCoy snapped, firmly putting the potato in his mouth and chewing it, end of story. He refused to look at Kirk for his reaction but a hand slid onto his thigh and squeezed it under the table.
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