(no subject)

May 18, 2005 11:46

what a glorious day.
it's so shitty outside... and i got a lot of sleep but am so tired it's hurting to stay awake. i never want to go home again. never.

school feels like its lasting forever.
i didn't go home last nite. i never wanna go home again. my mom is suppose to come home today but who knows... if she will or not.
i lost david's wallet... i feel so shitty about that. i looked for it every where and i can't find it at all. i'm going to buy him a new social security card and wallet and whatever else he needs. i love him and i feel so bad that i lost it.

i had a really good night last night. david, me, amanda, drew, dru, melissa, mike and matt... all went to the golden corral and ate. it was nice. then they all went to grays lake... but david is sick and it was rainy out so we decided to stay home b/c i don't want him getting any sicker. he said we'd go another time just the 2 of us and watch the sunset. sounds lovely...

i have to work tonite... just a 4-8 shift... haven't had one of those in like forever. i don't have to work thursday and neither does david... maybe i won't go to school either... that's up to what he thinks about that. i love him and i want to make him happy. i know i need to finish school and i'm going too. i didn't get this far just to quit. that would be a waste. i have enough credits i am going to be a senior next year... i'll probably get a couple credits this semester as well. everyone just needs to listen to me... they all think i'm failing or something, when i'm not.
but i gotta go... i'm in the library and need to get the fuck out.
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