30 Days of Shipping - Day 11

Dec 05, 2012 00:32

What is your dream pairing?

Probably Mulder and Scully.

Why? Well, for starters, I remember when I was younger I hoped to one day 'find my Mulder', haha.

That, and, like pretty much the rest of the world at that time, I shipped these two so hard. I just wanted them to get their happy ending :)

The only other pairing that would compare would be:

Sam and Jack, because like M/S, I always wanted these two to get their happy ending, and to get confirmation of their relationship. That, and the S/J fandom is the only ship/TV show fandom that I've ever physically participated in/contributed to, and still do to this day, so of course they have a special place in my heart ;)

sam/jack, x-files, sg-1, stargate, 30 days of shipping, 30 days challenge, mulder/scully, fandom

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