The exciting life of an unemployed fangirl...

Jun 29, 2007 14:19

Well, as you can see from my entry title - I still don't have a job :( Or money :( But in about 10 mins I'm off on another little job-hunt - joy ;)

Haven't really been up to much otherwise - listening to lots of music (as usual), translating Gackt/Hyde/etc lyrics to help me learn some more Japanese in a more entertaining way than just studying the grammar etc (snooze-fest) and playing Final Fantasy 7! Hehe, I got a new control-pad (I broke the left directional button on my other one, lol) so I can play again! I'm so hooked on that game at the moment - I can't believe I've never thought to play it through before, especially when a) I love the Final Fantasy series, and b) Advent Children is one of my favourite movies...I dunno, lol, I'm just backwards like that ;)

In a bit I'm off to paint part of my old bedroom at the old house, and help the others give the place a last clean before the landlord comes over tomorrow to claim the house back - we want it looking nice and tidy in order to get our £225 each off him after all! ;)

So, yeah - not a lot of exciting stuff to report, as you can see.

Oh, yeah - anyone going to the S.K.I.N debut at the J-Rock Revolution gig  at AnimeExpo today bitches have fun!! And grope give Gackt a big fangirly scream for me!! :D I wish I could be there :( But, California is too far for my non-existent limited budget right now, lol. I would have so joined all you guys going dressed in a different Hyde outfit, too, would have been funning screwing with Gaku's head like that - I'm sure you're gonna be quite the distraction for him ;) Ah, well - next time maybe *hopes*

*Thinks* I need a S.K.I.N. icon...

gackt, final fantasy, house

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