Still alive (but I'm not sure why...)

Jun 02, 2007 18:39

Yes, I'm still alive. Though I still don't have a constant internet connection. Have hopped onto Vicky's computer while she's at work. Because evil little bunnies do stuff like that. OK - so she let me. Whatever.

So, what news do I have for you guys? Well, nothing too interesting I'm afraid. That's because I'm still unemployed, still stone broke (other than the worrying £7.50ish I have left in my purse) and I'm still dossing around my room in-between job-hunting and chasing up benefits claims.

However, artistically the unemployed thing is paying off. In the last few days I've completed quite a few of my manga-style drawings, including one of Sakura from CCS, the Space-Time Witch from xxxHolic, and the wing symbol, Mokona and High Priest Yukito from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. I'm particularly proud of the Yukito one as I've never been able to draw him before and make it look like him until now *grin*
And that's not all. Spending so much time alone listening to such loud and moving music as Malice Mizer has inspired me to do some pretty cool artwork, too. The first thing I did is pretty simple, but I loved it anyways, lol. It was a broken heart, one half coloured black with the word MALICE written down it in red, and the other coloured red with MIZERY on it in black. They're now next to eachother on my bedroom wall :D
I also did a really cool spiral...thing...that's done in pastels starting with brown, moving into greens and becoming blues in the centre, and the words "I'M SUNK IN THE ABYSMAL SWAMP WHERE THERE IS NO FOOTHOLD. I'VE REACHED THE WATERY DEPTHS..." are written in black spiralling towards the middle. I know it may sound like I've suddenly turned into the world's biggest emo, lol, but trust me, I haven't - it's all for artistic purposes *nods* Anyhoo, you kinda have to see 'em to appreciate them. They probably sound really rubbish from my crap-tastic way of explaining things, lol.

My next idea is a little more cheery though (depending on how you look at it...). I want to do a big butterfly, in soft pastels again, with pinks and purples - really pretty-like ^.^ Within the wings I'm going to write the lyrics to Gackt's Emu~For My Dear~, in their original Japanese form (well, in Romaji anyways, lol). Somewhere on the page there'll also be a dedication to Kami (the drummer from Malice Mizer). For ages now I've wanted to do a piece of art purely dedicated to Kami-sama. I knew I wanted to include butterflies in it somewhere (his favourite animal). The idea for the final piece hit me last night outta nowhere, and it'll include everything it should - a butterfly's wings, my respect and love for Kami, and Gackt's undying love for the man he wrote so many songs for. I can't wait to start it!

Anyhoo, I'm sure you guys don't wanna hear about all my artistic endeavours, lol, so I'll leave it there. It just makes me happy right now is all ^.^

Righty-ho - me, Ash and Vicky are off to Victoria Park now Vicky's about to finish work, picnic and all, to enjoy some of the beautiful sunny weather! See y'all soon.

Au Revoir x

manga, gackt, ccs, housemates, art, malice mizer

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