Much-needed Update

Dec 14, 2006 20:06

OK, so I realise I haven't made a proper update since the day before my birthday...way back in November :s oops.

First of all - WTF is with the new update page on here? It was fine as it was before. Damn LJ, always screwing around with things...

Anyhoo, what have I been up to?

My Birthday

Had a great day. Went downstairs to find a giant rainbow sign against the fireplace that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUNNY" and was covered in playing cards :) In front of these were all the presents my housemates had gotten me - Disney's Alice in Wonderland on DVD (yay!); from Vicky (
vixyanne) and Ash I got a lovely beaded bag, and inside I found some cool Japanese White Rabbit sweets (anyone noticing a them here? lol), and the most awesome skirt ever - a layered white lace tutu with black and red roses sewn onto it all over! So Alice-y, hehe :) From Amy (
gravity_star) I got two Sappho books (I *love* her poetry), a Spongebob Squarepants lucky bag, haha, and...The 10th Anniversary Xena box set!! YAY! (Seriously, have wanted this *forever*). She also made me two Xena pictures and a birthday card. Thankies Amy *hugs* But just when I thought I'd opened everything, Vicky and Ash told me to take a closer look at the big 'sign' they'd made me. So, I turned it over to find it was actually something wrapped up...Something which turned out to be the BEST present EVER. When I opened it I got the shock of my life as I found out it was a huge frame with 2 signed photos inside - one of Lucy frakking Lawless (as I'm sure you're aware of, I'm in LOVE with her) and one of Claire Stansfield!!! OMFG. Seriously, lost for words. Most awesome present ever, by far. Plus they look really cool how Vicky mounted them in a big black frame with a purple background, with each photo framed in white. It's gonna have pride of place in my bedroom, right above the fireplace :D It's still weird to read them though and realise they belong to me, lol.

From Claire:

"To Amy, AKA 'Bunny',

Happy Birthday <3

Love Claire Stansfield"

From Lucy:

"To Amy AKA Bunny,

Lucy Lawless xxx

Happy Birthday xxx"

Frakking awesome! Hehe <3

I was going home to Nottingham at 3pm, so we didn't have time to do much. Ash bought us all pizza and we watched a movie, and I managed to rope Amy into being my slave for the day (until I left that afternoon anyways) so that was a good laugh. Better not go into any detail about that though 'cause she'll no doubt read ths and kick my ass, lol.

So yeah, went to my mum's for about 2 hrs as I got to Notts so late in the end. Grandma had made me some of her amazing curry so I had that for dinner. I had a load of cards waiting for me that had been sent to that house instead of where I lived now, and a few pressies from my family :) Got to see Benny too, yay! Plus my auntie popped in for 10 mins with Sacab and Marina, which was nice :) Though I was soon off again as I was going to stay at my dad's that night, and had to meet him when he finished work at 7pm.

When I met dad, he, Christine, the boys and I went straight to his friend Doug's for the evening (*always* a great laugh) where we hung out having a drink or ten in the kitchen and catching up. The following day was my cousin Leah's birthday, who's just turned 8, so we went round to her house as she was having a bit of a party. Cue lots of crazy, loud kids high on sugar and who knows what else running around making lots of noise...Fun, fun, fun, lol. Was nice to see everyone again though 'cause that's it for me going back to Nottingham til after Xmas now :( Dad, Chris and Paul dropped me home that evening and came in to see our pretty little kitty, Mowgli, hehe :)

So yeah, I had a pretty awesome birthday over all :) I got to see my family back home, and spend some of the day with my new family here, so fun was had all round :)

Hmm, what else have I been up to this past few weeks? Still getting annoyed with anaemia and OCD type hinderances, and still getting behind with uni work :s But at least we finish for Xmas tomorrow, yay! I've started my new job as of the start of this month - a secretary for Dot Mobile. I have to admit it's not the most exciting job in the world, but it's good money, I can work from home as I have a laptop, and my boss is one of my friends, so I can't complain ;) Plus it's bloody easy work.

The other night I was up til 3am smoking sheesha, drinking rum and watching dodgy but hilarious anime with Helen (
mulders_rat) and stayed up way later than I should have last night/this morning watching more anime with her. Seriously though, if you like anime and really want to cry with laughter, watch Dokura Chan. It is the FUNNIEST anime I've ever seen! Plus, there's only 8 episodes, so it wont take too long ;) It's slightly on the adult side though, so I wouldn't recommend it to any youngsters :)

OK, I'm pretty damn tired today, so nothing else springs to mind for now.

Man, this is one of the longest entries I've made in a long time! Sorry guys, I promise I'll start updating more often! They can stay short and sweet then :)

xena, our house, anime, family

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