Damn, I seem to update this thing once a week. I'm not sure if anyone reads it, but it gives me something to do while I am waiting for class. I also know that eventually, I'll read it again and laugh at everything that I said. But right now, I'm just trying to figure stuff out, so please forgive me for the rambling. For those who don't care, just skip ahead the cut.
So I'm not speaking with my family right now. I wish my brother had a cell phone because then I would call him and apologize for not talking to him, but he doesn't and I don't want to call my parents house in fear of getting my dad on the phone. It sucks, because its a petty reason to not be talking to them, but I think that I have had enough of my dad's self-rightous bullshit about how he's worked so hard to get where he is and he doesn't need me nor my boyfriend to ruin it for him. Well, I'm sorry, but its my car, its my life, its my boyfriend and believe it or not, I have worked just as fucking hard as he has to get where I am as well.
Also, all Tim did was surprise me by bringing my car to the mall with a CD player in it. He doesn't normally drive my car, he wanted to do something nice for me. But no, my dad had to throw a shit fit about Tim driving my car and not being insured under his insurance. Yes, I can understand him not wanting Tim to drive my car. But it was a surprise for God's sake. A very sweet one at that and my dad just can't say "Happy anniversary Sam, congrats on the CD player". He has to be a bitch and give me a hard time about Tim driving it the one time he drives it. And how did he find out? I called my mom and told her and he was right next to her.
And my mom? She doesn't want to be in the middle, so I am not calling her right now either. I know that if I call just to bullshit, like I normally do, we would get back to this past weekend and she would be in the middle again. Its hard for me not to call her, but she hasn't called me either, so I guess thats just the way it is going to have to be.
As for work? I just need to be myself but also control my personality because it seems to clash with some people. I don't need to deal with Icing, but I need to make sure that I don't seem like I am trying to be higher up then my assistant managers. I don't need the drama, so I just need to watch what I say, how I act, and what I do, thats all.
I am also having some issues that I don't know what to do with. I can't seem to have any time for my friends, my friends don't seem to have anytime for me, and I don't know what to do. One is married already, one is getting married (God knows when) and I can't seem to have time to even catch up with her ever. I need to make plans with my ex days in advance or his girlfriend will bite his head off. Not that I need to spend tons of time with him, but once a year would be nice to catch up. All my other friends are working or just to busy. And since I live in the suburbs now, I can't even get my friends to come see me. So I have to figure that out as well.
If anyone knows how to get me out of the funk I have been in, please, give me some ideas. My anniversary is on Thursday, so I need to be out of it by then! I'm going to look up car insurance quotes now, I still have two hours before class.