The Most Crossoveriest of All?

Feb 14, 2008 10:14

I really don't intend to turn my LJ into a blog of any sort- I want to keep it purely fanfiction, but as my other blog has nothing to do with fandom at all and I had a question..... This might become a little bloggier.

I was going through my collection of saved fanfic the other night and chatting with a fellow Highlander fan about something, and it suddenly occurred to me how many fandoms I've seen Methos crossover in. Of course I'm writing this right before I have to roll off to school so I can't do anything about links at the moment, but I know I've seen him in Torchwood (Jack/Methos, Jack/Ianto/Methos), Star Wars (Obi-Wan/Methos, Qui-Gon/Methos), X-Files (Mulder/Methos), X-Men (Wolverine/Methos), Angel (Angel/Methos), and Good Omens (Aziraphael/Methos).

I'm probably missing out on a few since I only read a million fandoms and there's a billion out there, but has anyone seen any other crossovers with Methos, or seen a character who was in more crossovers?

x-men, fandom, highlander, good omens, angel, torchwood, x-files, star wars, slash

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