Jun 07, 2005 22:01
Computer Science: I was walking to school, I was gonna be 10 minutes late and I saw Jona walking to 7-11, so I made him buy me a slurpee (stupid people with jobs) and then I went to class, surprisingly only 30 minutes late. I got a lot of work done, nothing exciting happened.
Canadian History: I got caught up on all my stuff. Then I left and ran home in the rain because I didn't feel like getting really wet.
Spare: I ate lunch and came back. Aschlynn and Savannah were in the caf, so I sat with them and then lunch came and we went to the lunch spot.
Lunch: Everyone just sorta ignored me, so I sat there staring at the wall for half an hour then sat beside Graeme, who at least pays attention to me, as annoying as he can be I still like getting attention. So lunch was disappointing.
Gym: Played dodgeball, I really payed no attention to what was going on.
English: I actually had a civilized conversation with Stacy... it was weird. We talked about how horrible wrestling was. Nigel and Savannah stood outside the class for half of it.
Schools over: I went to see what they wanted and they told me to come to Sebastians house, even though Aschlynn was completely opposed to the idea of having like 10 people show up. I have to agree with her there... that would have been way too many people to go show up at his house. We went outside, Mike following us and I decided to go to his house after Sebastians. Aschlynn went to ask if she could come and Savannah called Sebastian, but he wasn't there and we weren't gonna go because he didn't want us to.
Aschlynn came back and we told her we weren't gonna go because he didn't want us to. She got kinda upset I think and walked off to her house...
Me and Mike then left and went to his house.
On The Bus:
Mike: Hey look a XXX bus... oh here comes another... no wait that's 66, it needs another six on it."
Me: Why? So you can take a bus to hell?
Mike: -laughs- Yes... Oh, XXX it can be an adventure... or fun ;)
Me: Right... I would so take the adventure!
Mike: Yeah, you would, your so gay.
Me: ... whatever, I want the epuipment!
Mike: Yeah, goggles that can see through walls
Me: YES! That would be soooo cool!
Mike: I think I'd take a little from column A and a little from column B
Me: Yeah. -looks around, raises voice- I'll take the goggles and the sex bus.
Then everyone looked at me and we got off...
AT Mikes I saw Dazed and Comfused which was kinda good. Then I went home...