Mar 26, 2010 21:16
Okay my brother who is proving to be getting dumber by the second and his now wife who is on the same level as he is are going to drive me insane. I won't go into other details as to why they are idiots but I will say this...he works, she doesn't...he just started this job, he gave the wrong address and did not get his first paycheck..they have no money, bills are due...he calls to tell me today that instead of giving them a carpet cleaner for a wedding gift, they need money. I told him a moment ago I could only give him $50. And I highly doubt he will pay bills with it! Also, they had 2 big dogs and ended up with a cat...they found a home for one of their dogs only for her to be mad and want her back....they then get a new puppy...the other dog comes back so that makes 3 dogs, 1 cat...1 bedroom apartment. Well they found a home for the other dog again, this time to his friends...and they just found a home for the other big dog...meaning only 1 puppy and 1 he tells me the just got another puppy! OMG fucking idiot!
He currently has my car at the moment because his is dead, which I am worried about because he is so not responsible. He is almost 28...I think. No one really approves of this marriage but what do you do..hope for the best. There are a lot of other factors in this very long story but I am so tired.