Another update

Oct 20, 2020 09:13

It's been a while but I'm in awe of the ever changing coronavirus updates so here is where things are today:

Global Cases: 40,485,384
Global Deaths: 1,119,545

US Cases: 8,216,723

US Deaths: 220, 150

WI Cases: 173,891

WI Deaths: 1,600

Dodge County Cases: 3,050

Dodge County Deaths: 22

Work Cases: 16 Staff 2 Residents

Work Deaths: 0

Now more than ever there is a lot of tension in the community.  Many people don't believe in the virus or believe that it's being used as scare tactics and refuse to follow policies regarding social distancing, group gatherings, and mask wearing.  There is an increasing amount of people having quarantine fatique.  Where they are just sick of it.

I personally have friends who are just "over it" whether home schooling, mask wearing, sick of not doing things etc.

Chris and I were more lienient before it hit our community.  Since it has exploded around us we have spent more time at home.  I now realize that all the projects I have weren't because there wasn't enough time just I don't feel like doing them :) :)

I'm struggling with friends/family who don't believe in the virus or aren't taking it seriously and have set some boundaries where I won't be doing anything with them for a while.  It's causing a lot of "hurt" feelings.  With being high risk myself and with my family being high risk I feel like I have to do what's "right" for us.  In this situation I'm not sure there is a right or wrong but for me limiting exposure or limiting behaviors that can cause exposure are important.

It's definitely a strange time we are living in.

Until next time!

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