Jun 04, 2006 02:24
so today wasn't the greatest.
it honestly wasn't.
I was just really down all day long.
I just dont understand myself.
But I hid it quite well.
I've just got a lot on my mind & not enough people to listen to it.
I mean..there's people all around me all the time.
It's me that doesn't open up.
And then I start blaming others instead of taking the blame for myself.
I've just been a mess lately.
I'm pretty irritated with a lot of people around me.
Derek came tonight.
haha..my mom is really funny when it comes to him.
she texted me from inside the house when it was just me & him in the backyard & was like "having fun?"
haha..soo funny.
we had a fire in the back going because it was BEAUTIFUL outside.
There was a beautiful starry filled sky too & it was so peaceful out.
Everything was quite beautiful.
except for me on the inside..
I hurt so bad.
I just miss Derek a lot.
I dont know..I can't really explain it.
It was nice seeing him, but I didn't really get much out of it.
It didn't leave me with a happy feeling.
Probably because he's leaving back to FL tomorrow & who knows when he'll be back in IL.
funny part of the day.
Skyler was playing tennis in our front yard & my mom goes outside with her tennis racket & they start playing tennis in the road. And every time a car would come they would have to move over in the yard & then go back in the road & start hitting the ball back & forth again. It was SO funny. I sat there and was like "only in Henry...." hahahaha
seriously though..who plays tennis in the middle of the street?!?
i need sleep & I'm crabby.