I am so completely not looking forward to my Math exam. The way my courses turned out I did all the math involving graphing back in September - November(?) so not only do I not remember what I did in that class I also have to re-learn everything from the normal math classes. I tried to do the first 30 questions on my practice exam and I understood probably 17 of them. Bllarggag.
The only classes I'll miss when this semester is over will be Socials and French and that's just because the teacher's are excellent. It kinda sucks that I can't get my socials teacher again next year because he's retiring, whoever I have will be completely lame compared to him.
My Grandma sent a generic 'zomg hay famly' e-mail too my parents the other day. She said I looked pale at christmas. I guess she thinks I've got the plague or something. Oh well.
Peace Out Home Dawgs