Apr 04, 2005 22:36
Woopity-frigginiggity doo! I'm now 24 :-D Well, not till 12:01, well, 4:23 a/m. to be specific, lol but i'm sleepy right now :-P
I get to spend all day in my classes, soooooooo much fun, haha
I feel like I deserve being spanked 24 times, or pinched, lol
At least classes this quarter are actually going to require a little effort and work on my part --- what a concept, lol I love my Lit classes, go figure, lol Another Speech class which is very easy, French, which ought to be a little challenging (only French I really know are French fries, french salad dressing, french baguette and french kisses [oooooooh, something that would be quite nice]). Ok, I know a teeny-weeny French :-D
Women in Lit is really cool and fun, I enjoy the professor, and I'm like the only male in that 50 student class, lol Should be fun, we're reading good stuff (i'm kinda a feminist and think all men, well, ok, MOST men are first class @$$holes) so it's really cool :-)
We got a puppy this weekend ... Mom/Dad found her wandering up near our friends place in Gerber (near redding, errrr, chico) ... She's so dang adoreable, though very fiesty and spunky --- probably 12 weeks old. She's teething ... so I have plenty of cuts from her, lol She's the cutest blonde hound/lab/retriever mix of a mutt, like ever.
I think she's a gift from Danny 0:-)
Well, I'm gonna celebrate by going to sleep, only to wake up for school early, lol
Take care peeps!!! Oh, I PROMISE a NEW poem within 36 hours --- seriously!!! I wrote a pretty neat short one today before one of my classes :-D