Feb 11, 2005 10:03
Speaking of annoying cockatiel, I'm going to write a short story or poem later about annoying cockatiels and cocktail concoctions ... Whew, a slough of "c's" lol The dang birds won't shut up --- they are adoreble, but their screeching and hollering gotta go --- anyone want some cockatiel au grautin or cockatiel a la king? lol Calm down, I'm just kidding, I love Stormy and Tootsie, at times they are quite annoying, but I'm a patient person (welllllll, sometimes, lol) ...
Well, I just took my baby Silver Streak in again ... regular old 3,000-mile service --- oil, coolant, top-off fluids, lube, tire pressure, clean/wash, etc. She ought to be happy now, hehe Why can't I just marry a car? lmao
Time for another big road trip though --- I really wanna go somewhere for my birthday --- maybe a wrestling trip with some friends, but thats kinda pointless, I do that quite often --- Maybe I'll go to Vegas or Disneyland or something ... Anyone have ideas??? I really just wanna go somewhere this year and do something with friends --- Its been forever since I've had a fun birthday with friends ... Maybe go up to Konoctai Harbor and stay in a Suite, see a concert at the gorgeous lake??? Ok, so like anyone I know has the time to go anywhere anyhow, lol Heck, maybe Tahoe/Reno or something, I just want a lil vacation getaway for ME for a change, lol Unfortunately, my b-day is the first week of school (ughhhhhhhh), so if I do something, its gonna be a weekend thing or late week, the week before ... Let me know, I'm up for ideas --- but staying home bites ...
Whats so special about f'n Valentine's day? Its just some superficial day of love --- a day all the deadbeat bfs and gfs are expected to, or at least thought to supposedly spend money to express love for one another --- such a stupid day --- Shouldn't that love be shown everyday? Or on a regular basis? I think its more special to be with someone than to just be bought for a day ... Seems like a day that the jewelry chains, candy stores and 1-800-Flowers created to make a chunk of money every year, lol F*ck Valentine's Day, lol Besides, why have one day? Love should be given every day of the year ... Like I've ever seen Cupid anyhow? hahahaha Its so irritating that people make a big deal of this day of pink and red, of flowers and hearts, of chocolate and roses, of blah and blah --- everywhere, its a joke --- even radio/tv/clubs have special "couple's valentine's dances", prizes and the like --- so maybe, you're not a couple or with someone???? Oh joy, lol Everyone asks "What are your plans for Tuesday/Valentine's Day?" Answer: NONE!!!! I'm sick and tired of being asked --- I'm single, I'm pretty much fine with it too, but stop asking, lol
Well, after that stupid rant, how about something a little more optimistic and exciting? =)
Well, its been tough lately, been coping with a ton of stress and been in quite a bit of agony ... The pain is easing up slowly, and my arm is getting better again (there was a scare --- internal infection and blood poisoning --- I was in ER twice cause of it) and I have been very down with a massive migraine, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, fever, nausea, etc. Thank God I was given super-strength anti-biotics and things are clearing up for the best ...
Well, I'm bouncing back, full of more energy everyday now ... I shoulda known I was in severe pain when people were asking if I was ok while taking pix at the wrestling shows (I kept stretching my arm, wincing in agony) and I was getting insanely pale and light-headed --- shocked I didn't pass out those nights ...
Well, take care peeps =)