beater frog. . the heaters on. .

Sep 09, 2004 22:53

standinginawhole: wow kat you just missed the BIGGEST chelsey moment EVER
standinginawhole: she thought the state seal, was an actually seal. . like the animal
KlutzyK1321 returned at 10:28:41 PM.
KlutzyK1321: not uh
KlutzyK1321: she thought there was a seal for every state??
standinginawhole: and she was like yeah these kids were so smart, they made me feel so dumb, they were neaming the state bird and the state seal, i didn't know we had a state seal! i didn't know there were seals in florida! i thought it was to warm!!
standinginawhole: and i was like holy shit chelsey are you dumb?!
KlutzyK1321: not to mention that they can't NAME the state seal
KlutzyK1321: they'd have to like draw it
standinginawhole: yeah then she asked me what its name was and i was like its just the state seal! and she was like no but doens't it have a name?
standinginawhole: and i wa slike yeah, its name was albert
KlutzyK1321: oh dear god
standinginawhole: chelsey says hi
KlutzyK1321: hello oh dumb one
standinginawhole: she says she loves you too
standinginawhole: and a big smilie face
standinginawhole: no you're suposed to make it
standinginawhole: haha
standinginawhole: hehehe
standinginawhole: hahahehehehehe
KlutzyK1321: oh goodness
KlutzyK1321: are you guys on coke?
standinginawhole: you're suposed to make the smilie face by clicking the think
standinginawhole: thing*
standinginawhole: why ar you typing all that?
standinginawhole: doesn't that says imilie, not smilie
standinginawhole: hahaha
standinginawhole: hehehe
standinginawhole: are you guys on coke?
standinginawhole: ahem ahem
standinginawhole: he
standinginawhole: chum chum
standinginawhole: ohhh hah i get it
standinginawhole: oh hahaha
standinginawhole: chem cehm
KlutzyK1321: ohhh goodness
standinginawhole: thatrs funny
standinginawhole: hahahahahaha
standinginawhole: sniffle
standinginawhole: yayereyh
KlutzyK1321: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit.  Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.

KlutzyK1321: chelsey - is julie all read in the face and crying?
standinginawhole: haha hello? hahaha hehehehe hello? oh wait! i can't talk ha haha hold on hahaha sniffle oh wait nick i'm not allowed to talk, thats funny, kat asked if i was on coke hahaha kat, she asked itf i was on coke, i'm such a druggie, i need to tell you my druggie stories nick, back in the day i forgot to tell you, but i didn't heh hehe hehe haaaaa yeah, but do you get that now? slef heater julie, because i have a sweater on, yeah, oh nick guess what i did i was in ths hwoer and hahahahaahahaha hehehehe
standinginawhole: and julierioehz dxewdfkjds was getting ready hahahah heheheheh i don't know hahahahahahahahahahaha and hahahahahahahahahahaahahaha andjulie was getting ready and i went to get the soap and it like slipped or something and um i fell no i didn't fall and um haahahaha like hahahaha i hit my head on the marble in the shwoer it was like a shelf that stuck out and i hit it on the corner and all i heard was thud and julie hahahahaha hold on can't talk hahahahahaha
standinginawhole: and julie said um oh no she didnt' sya anyrhing she laughed and i hit my head really har dnad i t was  a load  noise and it was funny
standinginawhole: sorry i ca' talk (SHH) SORRY! yeah i do'nt know, have you eer done that/. he doesn't understand what i just said do you want me to repeat it? hold on wait i cna't talk
standinginawhole: julie says i can't
KlutzyK1321: oh my how i miss you
standinginawhole: kay so i was in the shower and julie was getting ready and the soap like slipped or soemthing and solike i went to dive for it andi was doing somethign and ahhaha and there wasa  a wooden ahhahahahaha why would there be somehting wood in the shower hahahahahahahahahahahaha i'm gunna die a hahahahahaha i just think sguy i think i just ducked up lint hahahahahahahahahahaha
standinginawhole: nooo in my nose
standinginawhole: hehehe
standinginawhole: in my nose i sucked up lint d it was like
standinginawhole: anyways theres qa piece of maeble in the shower and its a shlef and i went and dove on soap or soemthing and heheheheheh and um so when i did that i hit the corner of the marble on my head and i went THUD and julie was getting readuy and she started laughing and yeah it was funny hahahahahah i feel like i'm on drugs
standinginawhole: even tho i've never had any
standinginawhole: so i think i'm guessing, wait i have to be
standinginawhole: are you playing your guitar? DAMNIT i'm kidding i like it
standinginawhole: i think my ankle has a buruise on it. because i tripped over this log you need windshield wipers for your eyes haha but i think i have a bruise on the b ally part cause of rhetts log, I HAVE THAST CHAIR IN GREEN and its not fuzzy hold on, i'm holding
standinginawhole: ahem ahem i can't tell you the s tory yet, i have to wait for julie
KlutzyK1321: oh gosh
standinginawhole: um but i think because i tripped over the log in front of rhetts house i tripped over the log and slipped on the rocks and thats when it reminded me of the stairs
standinginawhole: cough
standinginawhole: yeah
standinginawhole: ahem
standinginawhole: my voice cracked
KlutzyK1321: stairs?
standinginawhole: spitzical my nizzle
standinginawhole: isn't tht what it says
KlutzyK1321: fo shizzle my nizzle
standinginawhole: 'that reminds me of mighty joe young
standinginawhole: ok
standinginawhole: ahem
KlutzyK1321: shes on drugs.. i know it
standinginawhole: isn't that what it says it spitzical my nizzle
KlutzyK1321: of course
KlutzyK1321: as much fun as it has been listening to your rather intelligent conversations
KlutzyK1321: i have to go
KlutzyK1321: but if you come across albert... you know the state seal
KlutzyK1321: give him a holler for me
KlutzyK1321 signed off at 10:53:26 PM.

yeah i definitely just typed everything that chelsey said and it was soo funny and we were crying. and nick thinks we're on drugs.
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