Day Five of Happy Thoughts

Dec 07, 2008 19:02

There's a story behind this picture...sooooooooo I went to visit a couple friends of mine in southern Minnesota one weekend, and I had already finished ToV, but they hadn't. We got to Nordopolica to see Belius, and...well, you know what happens when they go see Belius. We were fighting that boss battle, and Belius doubled herself and proceeded to gang up on Estelle, whom my friend Matt was playing as. The enemy stayed there, on the side of the battlefield, RAPING Estelle in MIDAIR for at least two minutes. I was playing as Raven, frantically using Love Shot as fast as I could JUST TO KEEP ESTELLE ALIVE while Colleen (playing as Yuri) attempted to light the torches to make the doubled Belius go away. Matt was screaming unintelligibly, while I screamed at Colleen to go faster and Matt to not die. For probably a good five minutes, we didn't even damage either Belius as we struggled to stay alive and get rid of Shadow Belius. I suppose it's also worthwhile to mention that, of course, we had no life bottles left and the fourth player computer was loooooooong dead.

It was a very surreal experience, but we survived SOMEHOW and won on that same try. It is easily the most difficult and freakout-y boss battle experience I have ever had.

I keep telling Matt that Estelle owes Raven big time for his ruined shooting arm.....the old man may be an interim healer, but NOT like THAT.....

comic, tov, fail, happy

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