Jul 13, 2004 17:42
attention to the 8 people who rode in my car on the way to the concert: there is a cream-ish colored jacket that someone left in my car and i have no clue whose it is. so if you're missing it, just tell me
summer has been awesome so far! i absolutely love it!
working is alright. it's horrendously boring, but whatever i get paid for it.
ben folds/guster/rufus were awesome! minus rufus....cause he practically put me to sleep. but ben folds was amazing!! i had a ton of fun! even if tania did get us lost on the way to townline. and even if sometimes i couldn't see cause of the weird people in front of me. we got to townline ok with the help of mike. and i could see ok thanx to pete.
i've seen almost every movie that is out in theaters right now, or has ever been out in theaters. it's really sick....i need to stop my addiction. but surprisingly none of the movies have been bad! they've all been really good.
my grad party is gonna be august 7th from 4-8
please come! i don't want to be sitting all alone surrounded by a lot of food....
does anyone have an extra dave ticket for sat?