I've been in a funk lately and I just realized why. I had to talk to Charity to get it worked out. But that should be obvious, we talk about everything, plus she reads me like a book. My love, :x I've found that people do not find me credible. I'm an intelligent person, lots of lifes experiences, lots of drama with lots of opinions, but I don't force them on anyone. Yet it seems that whenever I talk, nobody listens. Why don't they listen you might ask, because they're too busy trying to talk over me because whatever they have to say is so much more important then what I have to say. I try to be polite when having a conversation. I try to let the person have complete sentences and finish their train of thought before injecting my opinion. It seems to me that they don't care what I think, they just want me to listen. I'm even fine with that, the whole, can I tell you something. But it even happens when I'm sought out for advice, which is rare and a shame. If they just want me to listen I will, if they want me to agree with their side just so they'll feel justified, I'm not that guy. You want my opinion and I'll give it to you. If you want me just to listen, I'll be the shoulder. I can be so much more though. In my life I have been a husband, father, electronics technician, electrician (there's a difference), carpenter, gardner, janitor, public relations, masoner, short order cook, waiter, bartender, sailor, dishwasher and student. These are just professionally, I am so much more than any mere list could compose. What I guess I'm really getting at is I feel like I'm an untapped resourse. This happens a lot at work and in my personal life. I don't think anyone realizes just what I'm capable of. I feel like when people listen to me, they automatically assume that I'm either joking around or just making it up to be funny. So this is my resolution to myself. From this moment forward, if you're set on doing it your way, and I've tried to offer advice and it's not taken into consideration, So Be It! I'm done and I now resume my normal self!
Man this thing is great for getting this shit off my chest, as usual, I can't post without a tasty online quiz, so here you go
Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By