Apr 19, 2005 07:45
god my raged out carnie voice ruined a great chance for what could have been a great Midget jam last night... my set at Lestats was very poor.... i had a guy named Armondo play for me last night he played an acoustic and had a great sound had it not been for my shitty voice and complete lack ot talent it may have been a good set... i did get my new intro out without fucking it up to much... and think i was able to clarify that it was me i was hating on... so not bad
on another subject one of the comedy boys who will remain un-named tried to rip on my friend "Frank"... another guy who lives in a van who comes out from time to time... now Frank is a true ass hole, i have to say it is brave to rip on Frank... i would not want to take that chance as i have seen first hand what he can do... anyway this boy says he would like to be able to live in a van and not have to pay rent... not that funny to most but trully a laugh for me as all day yesterday all i could think of is how much i miss having a maid and how much i am looking forward to October so i can be done with living in my van... but hey if you think it is easy my comic friend go for it... it might help you grow as it has me... although i must admit i laughed hard at a joke about a sex offender living in a van and you getting a note on your car telling you a sex offender has moved in... wish i was talented enough to come up with a "bit" like that
on a hole the comics did great last night... Tim had a great set as did Katy, Aarons was great esp when he did a little crowd work at the end "I'm sorry I am not Todd Boner Mayor of Boner City" ... hope Mat did well.. i had to bounce before he went up as i was still feeling the effects of the beer from last night and wanted a fish taco...
and was that REAL girls i saw flirting with the dorks outside... did you guys put on some pheromone spray???? i say if you play your cards right you could be coming into the comedy shack with a whole new look on life...
well i have to go get Queequeg smoged... there goes my money i made last week
hope to make it to the monkey tonight but not sure if i will have wheels
love to all