Another day, another ... night, I guess. So freakin 'meh' at work. I think i've said that before, but what's a good story if the author doesn't reinforce key themes? Like fluffy kittens shoved into condoms. I just re-read that from a previous entry, and I happen to think it's awesome. So once more: fluffy kittens, shoved into condoms. Consider it reinforced.
Today really is a very 'brain dump' kinda day. I've set up a list of things I can and can't do over the week in the hope that I can straighten everything about, and regain some of my lost motivation.
What does it say about you when one of the things on your 'to do' list is pass all the games you've failed to pass?
Let's seeeeee...
Shadow of the Colossus
Baten Kaitos
Metroid Prime
La Pucelle Tactics
Eternal Mana
Dragon Quest
Yeah there's some good one's there. Stupid WoW, take my time will you.
I think I'd like to maybe build something. I wanna do some soldering, electrical work, welding, etc. Maybe I can build a guass gun, or a rail gun, or a potato gun ... I just wanna drink beer and play with blow torches, I think. Sound like a recipe for fun? Bring cameras!
I guess I could talk about real shit ...
OMGWTFBBQ I was going to write something of value, but I think it's more meaningful to get whoever reads this to watch
this video. I watch this movie every now and then to relieve stress. Just think of the person you hate the most, and I mean really hate with a fucking passion, and then watch it again ... and again, and again, and again ... and imagine it's them. The sound really helps bring the whole thing together.
That video brought to you courtesy of
this video. Gotta love history eh :P