Feb 14, 2007 21:32
Had a brilliant pre-birthday party on saturday night despite the cold sore. I'm back in Hameln once more after being a naughty girl and skiving off for two days. Hey, if your mum voluntarily calls the school for you and lies about you being sick it must be ok, surely!
Guy, Ben and Kate arrived in the early evening and we had some tea and mum's special birthday cakes. The boys were very impressed that we have Sky+ and that they could watch the rugby with my dad while Kate and I got ready, lol. Typical blokes! Finally got a chance to wear the dress that I'd bought back in January.
Dad drove us into town, picking up Tamar on the way and we got a good table at the cocktail haven that is Sausalitos. I met my 'mi amore waiter' and he was happy to see me. His birthday coincidentally was on the 11th and I had to stay until midnight to have a drink with him. I told him we were going somewhere but I was going to come back. Never actually happened though. I feel slightly guilty.
Next we went to Bar Celona for more drinks. We were slightly tipsy at this point and got into reshaping our straws with candle flames and pouring wax on our wrists - Kate's idea... she thinks it doesn't hurt! Hmm, now we know what she's into...
Our next stop went to Casa Latina for Coronas and Desperados. There were pictures of Che Guevara on the walls and there are some quite amusing photos of us with him in circulation. Being drunk, we decided to teach the boys some basic salsa. They're naturals methinks, heehee.
Staggered our way across town to Countdown, a bar where each table has a phone and you can call random people. This happened to us quite a few times and when we answered, some blokes from the table across the room came over and chatted to us. All very fun.
Finally we ended up in the Sonnendeck dancing to cheesy mostly German pop music. I completely lost my voice from all the smoke in there, yuck!
Once we got home we drank about four glasses of water each. The boys had the munchies so they helped themselves to more cake and we went to bed.
I had to get up at 9am on sunday morning with Kate as she had to go back to Hannover early. Wanted to drive her to the station but as I woke up still drunk that definitely wasn't going to happen (so mum did it instead, bless her). Went back to bed for two hours and mum woke me up with breakfast. I was sooooo kaputt! At 1pm-ish we picked up Tamar so she could try some yummy chocolate birthday cake too and then we went into town to show the boys round Osnabrück. Wasn't all that fun as it was a rainy sunday (and the fact that we were hungover didn't help either) but hey, we made the most of it. The boys left in the afternoon and Tamar and I went home for serious sleepage!
Monday I got up at midday and went downstairs to open prezzies. From my parents I got two capos for my guitars, a dictaphone, the new Norah Jones album and the Tenacious D Pick Of Destiny album (both highly recommended), lots of new colourful socks (I was running out) and a tax-free cheque for a new bike which I have yet to choose. Tamar gave me some lovely, Romanesque earrings and gummibears, Kate and Guy got me Kuschelsocken (very handy as I'm always cold in my flat), and Ben gave me my own bread rat and a little bottle of Rattenkiller. Omi and Raiesa sent me a card with a 50 Euro voucher for Hunkemöller. Must go to Hildesheim soon to use it...
Mum and I went into town for a bit and shopped around. I found myself a pair of cute, black, flat shoes with a little buckle from Görtz 17 and a pair of very cool patterned tights (they also got added to my list of birthday presents).
My parents and I went out to eat in the evening at Manolos which was very yummy.
Overall my birthday was pretty uneventful this year but it was still lovely. It can't compare to the amazingness of my 21st Hooplah but it was a good party, even if I don't feel like 22 yet! Plus, the huge amount of texts, facebook and myspace messages were really sweet. Thank you everybody ^_^