May 22, 2006 16:49
Went to Chch in the weekend for Dans 21st in Waikuru at the Star & Garter Hotel. Lots of old people there, we were pretty much the only young ones (me, Mike, Brent and Cam I mean!).. It was alright.. kinda funny being the only sober one outta the group so I remember the 'drunken' conversations that people had with me haha!
We slept in Waipara at the Waipara Sleepers, which are old railway carraiges done up, was alright, with a fridge, jug and sink. Had to use communal showers though, which was in a pretty freezing toilet block! Every time you moved the whole wagon moved and you could rock it from side to side so that was funny at times!
Mike and I spent Saturday looking at baby stuff.. Went to Baby Factory and they had a sale on, so we bought a cot, mattress, pram and bassinett for bubs... a grand later! (ouch!) Really gorgeous stuff though, and I wont hesitate to buy from them again.. There was a really ditzy sales assistant who started having a panic attack when we asked her about mattresses.. and she laughed really weirdly. This woman ended up rubbing off on me and it took me an hour to feel like myself and not a freakin airhead I had felt like in the store!!
Spent Sunday at the aquarium in the information place and saw some kiwis (gorgeous little things!) so that was something different and nice to do!.. Spent all of Sunday feeling hungover o_O for some reason, even threw up in the morning, and I'd only drunk two glasses of orange juice at the party! WEIRD!
Well that was my weekend, and now its back to work *groan* I cant wait for my hours to slacken off... 6 days sucks big time, and for some reason I'm still doing it even though we've hired someone.