May 05, 2006 08:59
Finally got an appointment for a scan! Next Thursday here I come, I'm so excited! *bounce* Cant wait to see whats actually inside of me :P weird as that sounds! Will see about scanning and posting the little photos they give.. :P
Took Michael to the doctor with me yesterday for the 3 months check-up, and instead of getting a check-up we got counselling o_O *insert tim the toolman noise*..All about how we need to stick together and this is our relationship its not anything to do with baby etc etc. He made Michael feel bad cause he kept talking about guys running away cause of the fear.. Michaels never made one indication he was going to ditch me and I dont think he ever will, he's put up with the worst possible version of me+pregnant me and is still here so shit I think he deserves some credit. It annoyed me how the doctor spoke because he thought he knew what we were about and Michael jut felt stink about it afterwards! Bloody assumptions.
YaY only two days left of work! Cant wait for my little day off.
Going to buy a dress I saw a couple of weeks ago that would be awesome for big belly+boobs!.. hope they still have it there.. and bigger sizes too!..*cross fingers*