Supernatural Garden & Juice

Jul 20, 2019 17:00

Supernatural Garden

Found in Gardening. Two garden plots (standard maxis and stackables versions - stackables version requires Honeywell's stackables garden plot), 15 simoleons each, which can grow the following plants:

  • Plasma Fruit: harvested fruit can be eaten by vampires to raise hunger or used to stock the fridge
  • Life Fruit (requires bronze badge): harvested fruit can be eaten by non-vampires/zombies/servos to raise hunger and become a day younger or used to stock the fridge
  • Death Flower (requires bronze badge and amotivam’s conversion), I also included an optional mod so sims can use up a death flower from their inventory to plead with the grim reaper if they die (50/50 odds they’ll win, plus an 'always successful' version that guarantees survival).
  • Cowplant (requires silver badge and wintermutea1′s growable cowplant + cowplant buds accessory)
  • Forbidden Fruit (requires gold badge, recommended you get delonariel’s extracted forbidden fruit): spawns a plantbaby if harvested by a non-plantsim, but if your household is too full, the harvester is a plantsim, or it somehow otherwise isn’t able to make a plantbaby your sim will get compensated with one of delonariel’s extracted forbidden fruit (assuming you have it in your downloads folder, that is).
- Eaxis for the original textures, meshes, and gardening code
- honeywell​ for the stackable garden plot
- delonariel for converting the plasma fruit, life fruit, and death flower plants; the plasma and life fruit; and the forbidden fruit
- amotivam for the death flower
- wintermutea1 for the growable cowplant

The plasma and life fruits can be used to stock the juicer but this function is broken for custom harvestables and should not be used. If a non-plantsim harvests a forbidden fruit with no plantsims on the lot they'll be temporarily turned into a plantsim, which maximizes some of their motives, temporarily changes their UI, and may have other unintended side effects.

Mediafire / SFS

Supernatural Juicer

Requires the life and plasma fruit from "Supernatural Garden". With it, sims can juice life and plasma fruit to make elixir of life (3 life fruit/glass) or plasma juice (3 plasma fruit/glass). Elixir of Life gives 3 days of life to everyone except servos, zombies, and vampires, who get their energy maxed out. Plasma juice makes non-vampires sick.

Plasma Lemonade

Delonariel's plasma lemonade conversion made into a pitcher for plasma juice. Sims can drink plasma juice (autonomously if they're a vampire); if it's on a lot their family owns it'll reduce the number of cups left in the pitcher, which can be raised again through a refill interaction. If it's on a lot they don't own, 10 simoleons is taken from them (if playing their family) or given to the business owner (if playing the business owner's family). Requires "Supernatural Juicer".

- EAxis for the original mesh/textures
- delonariel for converting it


Less Saturated Elixir of Life

DR to make the elixir of life (both aspiration reward & juice versions) less saturated.


downloads, !buy mode: objects, downloads: supernatural, !mods

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