Apr 14, 2004 19:16
OMG!!! last week was AWESOME!! i was in spain and i met these really kewl spainsh guys. They were sooooo sweet. I really fancied one of them but obviously Kaie got to him first...we had an arguement over it but oh well....hes a lad that we will probably never see again...welll actually, if i have anything to do with it we will be seeing them again next easter....my mate chloe (hu went aswell) may be seein them in sept aswell....aw too "perita" for her.
anyway....every nite we went out and man am i missin my tequilla sunrises and GIANT pina colladas for 8 people. i dont miss the place.....i really miss the people. Even the waiters in this one cafe were really friendly. At out favorite bar called TAHITI, after we paid, the waiter (hu was pretty tasty) gave the whole group of 7 of us a shot each for free. he was really kewl. this shot was SOOO tasty.....i think it was aftershock mixed with this minty flavourd stuf....well nice
me, katie and chloe have found a new respect for NEMO.*long story...mite get into it another time*
let me tell you something.....if my spaish teacher isnt proud of my spanish speakin abilites by the time i get bk to school,I will be furious!!! seriously, the first few days i was teh translater cuz i knew the most spanish....it was soooo funny though. i would put a pic of us lot in here....but im not sure how to.....good ol' copy n paste aint workin here.....oh well....but i really wanna go again...just to see the guys. it was my first ever abroad (well ok eurpean) holiday. iv been on 4 cruises and obviously ive met pple and stuff and i was a lil upset bout leaving every1 i met but it never has bpthered me as much as it has bothered me this time. Im not quite sure why.....in all honestly we only saw these guys on the first sunday, the friday, saturday and the unday we left.....so......the people i meet on cruises i knew longer but i dunno......
oh well anyway....
on saturday nite, they took me, katie and chloe to a concert....but get this....it was a SPANISH HIP-HOP concert.....it was SOOOOO funny. imagin the whole 8-mile look u know in the bar with the lil stage with every1 standing and boppin along to the rappers....well.....that was this (except there was no battle) but it was in spanish.....i swear...soooo funny. so much happened in that week but so little time and energy to explain and describe it all. sumhow us 3 gurls managed to live 1 week on HOLIDAY with 1 camera. dunno how we managed it. we took most of the fotos on friday which was chloe's b-day. once i figuar oput how to get the pics up then i will.
untill then...