Day #1: Your Favorite Song
What a loaded question. I think I'll take a page out of
melindajane's book, seeing as I also can't choose just one, and split this into three sub-categories: 1) Indie 2) Rock 3) Old-School
1) Indie: 'The Girl' - City & Colour
My love for this song--as well as Dallas Green--knows no bounds. Just listen and be dazzled, 'kay? :D
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2) Rock: [This is a tie!] a) 'Soft' - Kings of Leon and b) 'Right Here In My Arms' - HIM
a) The lyrics are fucking hilarious. This is one of my top three favorite bands, and this song is dirty poetry at it's finest. :D
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b) My love for HIM and my attachment to this particular album runs deep. Razorblade Romance was the soundtrack to the beginning of The Hubby's and my relationship, and while he was 800+ miles away at school and I was home missing him, this album (and particularly, this song) was a big comfort to me. :)
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3) Classic: 'Wild Horses' - The Rolling Stones
I kinda have no words for how much this song means to me, how beautiful it is, and how much I love The Stones. For those of you that only know The Sunday's cover of this song (of 'Buffy' fame), the original just may be a pleasant surprise for you.
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Until tomorrow sweethearts, when you get to find out my least favorite song. ♥