"You are raw, like an animal being skinned!" ~'Cenicitas'

May 31, 2009 09:20

This post is to assure everyone that no, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth.

The Spring '09 semester finally wrapped up for me Thursday, and as of 10am yesterday [Saturday], The Hubby and I are on a week long vacation in Florida, which, we think, we both deserve. ^.^ This is the famous vaca that got scrapped last year around this time due to Teh Fail!body, and the subsequent time I spent in the hospital; both of us are kinda thinking that this trip away from everything and everyone was a long time coming. :-)

Anyway, so, if you post stuff and I don't comment, or if you're wondering where the fuck are the things I promised you I'd write [lol! You know who you are. ;-P ], have no fear--it's all coming in due time. Even though I brought my laptop with us, my internet access varies from day to day, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing! I totes brought a yellow legal pad and pens with me, and think that a beach in sunny Florida just might be the perfect place to write about Hell...and maybe some Country music songs that will inevitably be hits and demand a world tour. ;-D

Until then, love you all lots! ♥

[PS: "Badcock & More:" totes the best name for a furniture store EVER! XD ]


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