Natural selection in action!

Mar 06, 2006 13:02

14-year-old dies after choking game

[Ah yes, if only his parents had taught him that choking himself to death for a head rush was probably not the best idea. Make the schools circulate pamphlets now to bring an end to this dreadful epidemic! You too can insult your child's intelligence, by warning them that breathing is generally necessary to sustain life!

When I was a kid out at a scout camp on one occasion, I actually witnessed a few bozos choking themselves out for a head rush. I was ashamed for my species that day. (Although proud that it was not any of my crew that were participating... if they had been I probably would have bitch-slapped them.) I honestly had no idea that this was any kind of a widespread 'game' or thing to do for a head rush, I thought it was just a few particularly stupid individuals I had encountered. I guess choking and inhalants are the juvenile equivalent of a rush for morons too lazy to jog long enough to get a runner's high.]

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