Biblical account is taken as scientific gospel at $25 million Creation Museum
"PETERSBURG, Ky. - Like most natural history museums, this one has exhibits showing dinosaurs roaming the earth. Except here, the giant reptiles share the forest with Adam and Eve.
That, of course, is contradicted by science, but that’s the point of the $25 million Creation Museum rising fast in rural Kentucky." Midgardsorm's initial response:
Midgardsorm's longer response:
Adam: "Eve, aren't we concerned about our future descendants severely inbreeding if we are the only two humans on the planet?"
Eve: "Don't worry too much about that, all the severely inbred ones will end up as fundamentalist christians in Kansas and Kentucky. Right now, I'd be more worried about the goddamn Tyrannosaurus that keeps eating our offspring!"
T-Rex: ***ROAR!!!!! Munch! Munch!*** "Yeah, I'm the baddest motherfucker in the world!"
Eve: "So much for Abel #13, only one Abel left now! Say, where is Abel #5 anyway?"
Adam: "He's out playing with Cain. Don't worry, I'm sure Cain won't let anything bad happen to him..."
Eve: "Say, Adam?"
Adam: "Yeah?"
Eve: "Do you remember that time when that
pterosaur plucked out your right eye and then dropped it, and then that
dimetrodon snapped it up?"
Adam: "Yeah."
Eve: "That was funny. I laughed."
Adam: "What a bitch! I should have kept
Lilith around..."
Eve: "Ah, shit it's the
velociraptors again! Ah oh, this time it looks like they have teamed up with a group of
cave bears and a horde of fucking
Moral: An apple a day keeps the
Paleozoic monsters away?
Stay tuned next week for more exciting adventures in Ridiculous Biblical Anachronisms! -- In our next episode Moses battles the first generation of
cyanobacteria while astride a triceratops... in a pre-oxygen atmosphere!