Sigyn was getting more and more annoyed with Sei. Now his idiocy was doing more then creeping into her house and home. Lilith had cried and poor Eiran, he was in low spirits. The tea on the tray she carried probably wasn't made as well as it could be (she was so impatient to wait for the water to really boil), and it was probably either too hot or too cold, but it was only a part of her plan to cheer Eiran up. If Sigyn had lived anywhere else, she might have found it bizzare that she was a woman of 25 who couldn't make tea correctly, but she was from Arudfjsdlkeltz, and the irony was lost on her.
Balancing the tray of tea and cookies with one hand, she tapped lightly on his doorway with the other. "Eiran?"
Eiran was reading a letter written in the messy handwriting of a young child. The exchange of letters with his family was not as frequent as he hoped but he did still cherish what was left of his ties with them. It was also another method he used to take his mind off things, like the recent incident with Sei and Sigyn. It disturbed him that Sigyn had attacked Sei. It disturbed him more that he did not think to check on things when he heard those loud bangs last night.
He looked up at the sound of the knock. "Sigyn?" The letter was set down on the table. He greeted her with a smile. "Ah, is that tea I see?"
She nodded, and smiled. "Probably the most rotten tea you've ever had, too." At least he wouldn't be throwing up afterwards. The tray had more then a tea set on top of it, a few tiny plates with finger foods. She'd gone through the kitchen and tried to find all his favourites.
"I hope you don't mind," she said, setting the tray down on the edge of his desk. "You just seemed a little.. sad maybe?"
"Is this punishment for my food experiments over the years?" He jested. "Thank you. I'm all right. I did not mean to worry you." He was so used to being the one bringing up tea and cake to cheer up his circle. The role reversal was comforting. Though now that he looked back on what he wrote in the journal, he was begining to wish he could take it back. It was uncalled for.
"I just didn't want you to think that maybe.." Hm. How to say this without putting words in his mouth. She slid around behind him, sliding strands of his hair this way and that. It was a familiar action, one she'd done for the past twelve years. "Maybe it was a little stupid of me to deal with Sei on my own. He's so unpredictable.. but if I wasn't worried, because I knew you and Rhys were around."
"It could have been avoided if we had came. I do not think Sei would have attacked you but if you or Lady Lilith had gotten hurt with Rhys and me nearby..." He sighed. He realized he was getting worried about speculations that did not happen but he could not help it. "I just think I should be more alert. That's all."
"You should not have to be so alert. It is a time of peace, now. We should not be afraid of our own.. " By now she was toying with the headband, scooping all his hair behind it so his bangs spiked up ridiculously in front. It was very Ricky Martin. "Things like Sei should not happen."
"I cannot help it. I worry." He tilted his head upwards slightly to peer at Sigyn. He had found it odd when she first toyed with his hair, especially since he was the only one among the wind circle with short hair. Not that he minded. "I agree Sei can be difficult to understand but he is a guardian, chosen just like we were."
Sigyn smothered a giggle behind her hand. Oh, she couldn't help it, he just looked so odd with his hair like that, how was she supposed to take him seriously? "Maybe," she said with a laugh. "You shouldn't worry about him. The Oracles will figure something out." A finger tapped him on the nose. "Or maybe you should try putting your worry to something else. How to keep Lilith from mood swinging always occupies a lot of my time."
He lightly grabbed hold of the finger. This cannot do. He was the eldest among the three guardians and here he was behaving like a child and having his hair rearranged into yet another odd hairstyle. "My dear Sigyn, with what you do to my hair, I believe entertaining Lady Lilith would not be much trouble for you."
Still grinning, she used her free hand to move one last piece of his hair, curling the end around her finger and laying it against his forehead. "But your hair looks fantastic, Eiran. You really should go look!"
"I am afraid to." He said with a laugh but went to look anyway. He stared at his own reflection and in moments burst out laughing. "Sigyn, I look ridiculous!" He protested half-heartedly.
"I think you look wonderful!" She laughed as well, clapping her hands. "I dare you to wear it like that tomorrow. I bet everyone will swoon!"
"This is hardly appropriate." He was still laughing as he considered it. It would certainly make for an interesting day. Besides some laughter in the cathedral would be good, even if it would be at his expense. "But I will do it if you will style it for me." Oh Freya, he hoped he won't regret asking that of her.
The theoretical horns and sparkles were already growing and shining, respectively. "Of course I will! You'll look fantastic, I promise!"
Smiling, she poured herself a cup of tea, and then him one as well. "If you don't get at least one marriage proposal, I'll be disappointed."
He could just see the mischevious side of her surfacing. "As long as it is not from Rhys, I do not think my heart can take it." He took a sip of the tea that had gone cold. Tomorrow would be a very interesting day.