Ethne/Marcine - Of conspiracies and shit

Sep 04, 2006 22:17

In which yet another Guardian is told about THE CAUSE.

Fair warning, although we are CRACKY there really is quite a bit of srs bzns.

Ethne wasn't entirely sure why she was going to tell Marcine about this. She knew her, better than the other Guardians. She knew the chances of Marcine leaving were next to nonexistant.

Yet she still felt the urge to tell her. Loyalty, perhaps, she wasn't sure. Ethne knew Marcine would at least not rat her out, or at least... it's what she hoped. She wouldn't mention any of the others involved, just in case. That way if something went wrong, it'd only be her suffering the consequences - but she was still confident Marcine wouldn't say anything.

She was really tired of just sitting around in her room all day, but... without another option, there she was, sitting, waiting for her Guardian.

It'd been fairly peaceful lately, hadn't it? No more of the horrible drama and the horrible sexual tension between the Cathedral's residents-- or at least, a lot less of. it. Ah, well. It just meant things were going back to normal, or what passed for normal, kind of, minus all the secrets flying about and such.

And Ethne wanted to talk to her? Why, she couldn't imagine-- well no, that's a lie, there were a lot of things. Just, nothing in particular came to mind, yeah? Well, whatever it was, she'd find out soon enough; Marcine was at Ethne's door, knocking, perhaps prompting the shortest reply one could possibly give in a log. :|

"Come in."

AND IN SHE WENT. She wasted no time hovering at the door like she usually did, but instead went right on over to Ethne. "You wished to see me, my lady?" Perhaps that was stating the obvious? Well. Think of it as a conversation-starter or something similar; it was polite to greet people in some way before the srs bzns occured, you know?

And Ethnemun clearly could not resist the retardedly short reply in the previous pose, but regardless!

"Yes. Please, sit." Have you noticed all these logs start the exact same way? Ethne waits, person knocks, oh come in, you wished to see me, yes please sit sigh.

This was obviously because all of the Guardians [except Sei] and Oracles that went to see her had sticks up their asses! were exceedingly polite. Yes?

You forgot the part where they sat down, though, which was exactly what Marcine did. Shocking, wasn't it? Well. There wasn't a lot of other things to do. Except wait. And listen. And SPECULATE butthatwasn'timportant it wasn't like Ethne could read minds OH WAIT.

Apparently so!

Yes well we hadn't gotten to that part yet, which is why it wasn't mentioned, but you know, after they sit down and start speculating, logs start to differ! So watch, the log is only important from this point on!

...And Ethne-mun is REALLY running out of ways to have Ethne start the same damn fucking conversation with everyone you know, creativity level dropping dramatically. There was small talk, you know, the usual, and all that, and then Ethne brought up the topic of telling a story related to the country's history okay? Okay.

...There is no dialogue in this pose either shh.

The log was only important from this point on and yet we just get worse and worse and worse this is all your fault you know that?

Telling a story? Story-time with Ethne yaaaay! Oh right there was totally small talk prior to that and maybe some cookies? Cookies or sweets or something were like, obligatory in Ethne and Lethe logs. Or at least, they damn well should be, because where the hell else are we going to get our cookie fix? [Please ignore the fact that Marcine doesn't even like cookies right now, 'cause you know what? HER MUN LOVES THEM. oops ic/ooc line]

Dialogue is obviously for pansies and we are revolutionising roleplaying as we know it.

How is this my fault I have serious logs with everyone else it's you who's the serious mojo ruiner here!

Marcine liked cinnamon cookies in that first log okay.

And yes story time oh look a serious paragraph.

Knowing Marcine wasn't likely to leave with them, Ethne made sure to keep the story as factual as possible. She mentioned the religious conflict, the war that resulted from it, the destruction of Geffenia and Glast Heim, and the planned revenge. The faction that wished to go further and release Dark Lord upon Rune-Midgard, and how they likely would succeed because the main strategist [oh look this hasn't been mentioned in logs yet uh shit I just killed the seriousness of the paragraph didn't I] supported the idea.

Marcine's reaction would dictate how much else she told her. There is no dialogue here either.

Oh I'll ruin your mojo~ ;o

Well only because they were there also cinnamon. Also not-Vera cookies. That makes a big difference!

ONOES A LION SERIOUS PARAGRAPH GET IN THE CAR oh too late ah hummm. Oh look new information! First in on the latest info, riiiiiight here 8D Oh, except, [pseudo] serious paragraphs needed serious ones in reply uh gimme a minute here.

Marcine, well, stared. That uh. Um. Coupled with the information about the WAR !! given out earlier. ... Um, um, well, 'um' was a pretty good way of summing up her reaction. She leaned back in her chair, and THOUGHT. Or rather, tried to digest all the information so when she finally said something [look no dialogue for me either!] she didn't sound like a drooling retard. We are once again ignoring the fact that Ethne can read minds stfu.

And clearly, I was lying when I said I'd be serious in return. :)

Ethne's mun refuses to ignore the fact Ethne can read minds and demands to know what Marcine was thinking. Demands!!


The first thought that came to mind was, 'what the fuck.'

The second thought that came to mind was, 'why is all of my country on crack?'

The third thought that came to mind was, 'so what does this have to do with us?'



"It has to do with us because I... ah." Well unlike the others she didn't seem to feel the complete indignation that was the first sign they would be willing to leave, did she? "...I won't be supporting this, Marcine. I... can't support something like this."

Oh look the previous paragraph was actually serious and gasp dialogue.

SHIT YOU RUINED THE TREND. I PUNT YOU! ... Can't support this? Okay, understandable, but-- "Then. What are you planning to do?" SIGH I see your dialogue and raise you a conversation! Oh SNAP, son!


"...Leave," she said simply, her voice small.

... it's an easy way of taking out my aggression. :<

"Leave," she echoed. Leave. Leave? Leave. How. How did that work?

... Leave? .... Just her? No. Who else? ... Wait, she didn't mean oh fuck.

...You're so cruel to me :<

"...Yes. Leave," she repeated. Ethne had expected this kind of reaction from Marcine, but that tiiiiny little hope that she might still come along was giving a huge sigh now. "...Betray the country, run away, so that they can't replace me and just get someone else to do the job," she admitted with a small sigh.

It's because I love you~ :<

Oh, oh, that cued more staring! It was, after all, very much implied that she was wanted to join Ethne and and and oh fucking shit no. "Who else?" Please oh Fre-- ... please let there be someone else.

But :<

"There are others, Marcine." She paused, chewed on her lip for a moment. "I never expected you to come. I'll understand, if you don't."

"Who." The answer to this question was VERY IMPORTANT, and well. It wasn't so much that Marcine wanted to stay as it was the fact that she was completely incapable of making a decision, here. How were you supposed to choose? Was it even possible? [Was that why it'd been so quiet lately? Because people were starting to think ahead... ?]

Ethne for once decided to trust someone, instead of trusting their thoughts.

"...Lethe. Lilith. Taranis. Loki. Sei. Eiran." Sienna wouldn't know, Altair... she wasn't sure, same for Sigyn, and Rhys... Ethne was against telling him, as she didn't think he could handle it. But hell if Lilith would listen to her.

She'd, she'd be in good hands, at least. [Shit, her entire circle? Shit!] "I see."

Marcine couldn't, couldn't just leave everything behind. Even if she had so little beyond her circle, it was still enough. Maybe that was a bit silly, especially if it were all a lie? And even if-- well. ... Aw man, this just sucked, didn't it?

She was silent. Did her thoughts require repeating? Mun stopped ignoring the mind-reading powers, really. She couldn't go, no, but maybe she could... help? [Somehow?]

Words were for sissies. :|

And this is where Ethne gets wibbly and emotional because shit she didn't want to leave one of her Guardians behind okay.

Ethne fidgeted for a bit, going back to chewing on her lip. Marcine was staying, wasn't she? Even though she wanted to help... she was.... staying.

"...I'm sorry," she spoke after a while, her voice still small. "...I'll miss you."

Sissies and people speaking to others who can't read minds!


There were a lot of things she could say to that, but... Instead, in a move she was only half-aware of performing, she was kneeling before Ethne, hugging the small girl. Let the wibbling commence. [Had they even, like, actually touched each other before? ( Oh that's bad out of context... ) It was like she and her sister were made out of glass. No one touched them.] I'll miss you too.

...Jams don't put things like that that are bad out of context because Rere will--


Ethne bit her lip again. Oh shit tears were welling up in her eyes now okay. She put her arms around Marcine in return, and was sobbing quietly into her shoulder a few moments later. 'Do you really want to stay?' 'Can you really not come'? What could she say to that?

Five years may not be that long for most people, but yeah, it felt like a lifetime to her. It was just like leaving a sister behind.

"I'm sorry..."

... :<

She said nothing, but it was a very long time before she pulled back. [And though she'd never admit it, Marcine cried a little too. SOB.] "Tell me--" er hi voice cracking I didn't know you even could do that! "-- what I can do to help."

It was required for oracles and guardians to be very close, wasn't it? I mean, they were expected to stay together for their entire lives, pretty much. Even if five years was only a drop in the bucket, it was still enough.


:< !!

Ethne swallowed, taking a moment to recompose herself before answering, her own voice cracking a little as well. "Just... help us get out of here." She sniffled, wiping at her own cheeks. "If... we fail to, then... we'll just... all get killed, and the effort will be worth nothing. I... we don't have a concrete plan yet. But... just... help with it, when we do...?"

This particular Oracle had been expecting this from the beginning, and perhaps that was why she'd grown so attached to her Guardians. Knowing that she might have to bid them goodbye one day-



"Anything." OTHER THAN ACTUALLY LEAVING HA HA HA "Just tell me."

Suddenly, Marcine didn't quite like the quiet so much. She straightened, already resigned to the whole 'shit I get to watch the people that are essentially my family and the only people I'm close to in this entire place leave me behind because I can't fucking choose between them and my country shit.' "Is there." Pause. "Anything else?" She'd already done her shift for today, and wouldn't Loki be in soon? [Why did he always take the night shift anyway? It was odd.]

[certainly not for sex, I'll give you that.]

"No... no, not really," she murmured, shaking her head. "I... thank you for listening, Marcine." Ethne wasn't quite sure what else she could say at this point other than WAUGH SOB.

Oh great of all the 'here let me tell you a story' log this is the least serious and also the most wibbly sigh.


That was it, then. She nodded. Nothing else. Time to go be wibbly elsewhere and perhaps write angsty poetry yes? ... Maybe not the latter of those options, but. She turned and left without another word, but then, they weren't necessary.

Sigh, whorebitch, sigh. Like the damn girl wasn't emo enough over stupid shit. >:(

ethne, marcine

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