I know it's a business world out there that I know little about, but it's still sad to see Google having to worry about losing all that revenue from doing something which is actually that first big but necessary step/stand.
It's been a long time coming.
Last month, Google said it no longer felt comfortable complying with [China's] demands that it censor Web content deemed objectionable by the communist rulers. On Monday, Google began sending Web searchers in mainland China from the China-based
Google.cn to
Google.com.hk, based in Hong Kong. The former British colony has an open Internet, and Google is not legally required to censor results there.
- Excerpt taken from a
Yahoo article by MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Technology Writer.
Click above for the full article. And while it might be that
China's Google users see little change after move, it was a hell of a first step. :3