I love analysis but this has to be one of the best I've seen particularly because you provide a great deal of information on liver transplants and the stats for right or left liver donors. I was also surprised to read that livers are regenerative. That's amazing.
In which of the promos did you notice evidence that Tucker was jaundiced?
Sadly, I think Tucker is going to die because I desperately want him to live. Because you know it's all about me :))) If Tucker lived, I could imagine lots of jealous!House scenes and besides I love, love, love Josh Malina. But I loved Amber and look what happened to her. Maybe we'll get ghost!Tucker telling Wilson to give House a chance and let House love him. But yes, I think Tucker will die.
Also, I think there will be complications for Wilson as the donor. I imagine Wilson will want to do the 60% liver transplant to give his friend the best chance of surviving. I also think House is going to be enraged at the friend because of his fear of losing Wilson. I also think he will be mad at Wilson - AT FIRST - for being willing to risk his life - knowing that he is the only person Houseloves and has. Yep I said it. There's no way in hell I believe House is in love with or loves Cuddy - NO WAY. Doesn't make sense or follow from the story they've been telling since the PILOT EPISODE.
In terms of House/Wilson touching, I'm thinking there will be some touching at the end of Wilson. But I think most of the touching will be in episode 11, the one that airs January 10 or 11. I think the touching in 10 will be about House's fear of losing Wilson. When Tucker dies, I think Wilson will withdraw emotionally which will devastate House. In episode 11, I think it will be about two people who love each other and demonstrate this love through physical intimacy. I'm almost certain we'll see House climb into Wilson's bed and probably hold him and YES kiss him probably starting on his forehead and with Wilson's encouragement eventually on the lips. I think it will be more about love, comfort, and intimacy rather than lust and sex. I think it is possible to be physically intimate sans the lust. We could also see House bathing Wilson or feeding him. But bottom line, what prompts House to get physical with Wilson is his attempt to draw Wilson out of his shell - to bring him back from the emotionally dead so to speak.
I hate Cuddy, Huddy, Luddy and the baby momma drama. But I understand why they are doing it. The TPTB are basically doing HOUSE/WILSON under cover of Huddy. I think episode 14 is a Cuddy centric episode. I don't oplan to watch UNTIL I hear on this LJ that there is a fantastic Wilson or House/Wilson scene I shouldn't miss. Last week, Ausiello reported that Cuddy who is still bedding Lucas will do the bump&grind with an additional person. My assuption is that it's House unless of course Cuddy goes all 13 on us. I hated the Huddy kiss. It grossed me out - BIG TIME!!. The Huddy dance - didn't see it - Tivo's past it. Well I've been doing that pretty much anytime she's onscreen - except with Wilson. I can't TiVo past anything with Wilson in it. Just can't.
Back to House/Wilson. I think their physical intimacy which probably take place mostly in ep 11 will be romantic and gentle and sweet and magical and just lovely. The HEAT, HOTNESS, SEXY, AWESOMENESS WILL COME FROM THAT POWERFUL CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE TWO ACTORS. I swear I could watch HL and RSL sitting in a room doing nothing. They are just that awesome together.
Mmm... The human body is quite an amazing piece of work.
The first (American) promo was when first noticed jaundice, I believe. In the scene right after Wilson says, and I quote, "You've only got about 24 hours left." Tucker looks incredibly yellow, so I assumed jaundice and thus liver failure.
My personal opinion is that House probably thinks he loves Cuddy, or that he "wants" to love her, because that is what he thinks he should do/be feeling. I hover back to season 5's finale, Both Sides Now, where House's own mind in the form of Amber chastises him with the words, "So this is the story you made up about yourself. It's a good one," before his mind conjures Kutner with the rather final words of, "Too bad it isn't true."
I'm also drawing on last week's Ignorance is Bliss. The POTW storyline where he was deliberately dumbing himself down since it was the only way from his point of view that he could sustain happiness, and because he wanted to want his wife. Frankly, on a very personal note, I was horrified that House approved of the patient continuing to destroy his intellect. It may be lonely at the top, but House has had Wilson beside him for near two decades. Seems like he's still taking Wilson for granted, but I have high hopes this will finally change after 6x10, if Wilson's very life is at risk.
I hope for all the House/Wilson touching possible. :D I find it interesting that whilst I cringe in revulsion/embarrasment by proxy and bemoan in "not again"-ness at any House/Cuddy touching, and have thus come to fear it, I have negligible to no such fears of House/Wilson touching. While I admit I may be biased towards the "slash" so to speak, my feelings are that any touching on the part of House/Wilson would not be born out of lust, and may thus be why I am not adversed to anything physical hapening between them.
Please be aware that I am not judging you, or anyone else that may read this for that matter (I am also well aware this next statement of mine may seem contradictory to that, but it is meant to illustrate a different point rather than contempt), but I have a massive disdain for people who cannot control their own behaviour with their mind. I think that's why I scoff at people who can't control either their (depending on what mood I'm and and what the circumstances are surrounding the feelings) lust/love - my brain wants to believe that one can overcome hormone-based lust based on willpower. It is also why I scoff (not intentionally - I am trying to rectify this horrid behaviour) at those who gravitate towards one another on pure lust and no apparent logic, the latter of which I have become convinced does not exist at all with House/Cuddy (I refuse to even mention the contraction "Huddy" - sounds awful).
I see why the writers gave Cuddy the storyline of wanting a child of her own, but being unable to conceive because of her age, as it is a real and serious and growing problem for many women around the world whom originally passed on the opportunity of family to further careers (something which I actually admired Cuddy for during the first couple of seasons). Wanting a child of her own does not make her any less of a "strong" woman. However, I am personally convinced that we are have long since past that, and are now somehow into the idea that the traditional nuclear family is the only way for Cuddy to be happy, and the only way for House to be happy/fufilled while we're at it. Having a father in the family does not make a family functional, but Cuddy no longer seems satisfied with just a child; she wants the man she fancies (I refer to the UK term here, where "fancy" means "to have a crush on") as well, nevermind incompatible personalities and objectifying comments (which I am convinced she unconscously likes), and my respect for her has dwindled (along with her clothing) since mid-season 3 or so.
As for Tivo, I assume that is the American version of Sky+? We used to have Sky (not Sky+, the latter which allows you to record your favourite programmes), but they started to jack the price up by a good amount each year, and considering we had hundreds of channels which we did not watch, we ended up cancelling the package. Anyways, I have to watch House on the internet until the DVDs come out, so there's unfortunately no fast-forwarding. Even if there was, however, my morbid curiosity would eventually win out, and it would likely be a case of "Huddy" curiosity kill the Phoenix cat.
And I completely agree that the characters of House and Wilson have remarkable chemistry. <3 They should so get together, fly off to Canada and marry already.
Great reply :) here's the part of your post I am responding to: I hope for all the House/Wilson touching possible. :D I find it interesting that whilst I cringe in revulsion/embarrasment by proxy and bemoan in "not again"-ness at any House/Cuddy touching, and have thus come to fear it, I have negligible to no such fears of House/Wilson touching. While I admit I may be biased towards the "slash" so to speak, my feelings are that any touching on the part of House/Wilson would not be born out of lust, and may thus be why I am not adversed to anything physical hapening between them.
I think the touching will be borne of love, affection, knowledge of what each needs emotionally and physically, and comfort. I too find the Huddy touching cringeworthy and just plain gross. Technically, the actors, directors are doing a good job but the Huddy physical scenes seem to lack something. I think it has to so with chemistry between the two actors - really it's just not there. Everyone knows that HL and RSL are very close friends and they enjoy working together. I think someone posted some candid shots of Epic Fail and there;s one where HL is chewing on a carrot and smiling at RSL. Of RSL looks like he's somewhere else. Now back to the characters.
I don't see House moving on Wilson in a sexual way. I really think it will be about drawing Wilson out, providing some physical comfort, and House showing Wilson how he really feels about him. It may be sexy, romatic and HOT, but I don't think sex will be the motive behind any H/W touching. I definitely think we'll see them in bed TOGETHER. We start out with them sharing a hotel room, Then House drugs and depants Wilson. Later, recall that Wilson accused House of not asking him what he wants or respecting his wishes. I think in any physical scene, we're going to see House doing both. Maybe Wilson ask House to sleep with him or House ask Wilson if he can join him. Whichever way it happens, it wil be about love and respect and comfort - NOT SEX AND LUST (which rarely if ever translate well onscreen)
In which of the promos did you notice evidence that Tucker was jaundiced?
Sadly, I think Tucker is going to die because I desperately want him to live. Because you know it's all about me :))) If Tucker lived, I could imagine lots of jealous!House scenes and besides I love, love, love Josh Malina. But I loved Amber and look what happened to her. Maybe we'll get ghost!Tucker telling Wilson to give House a chance and let House love him. But yes, I think Tucker will die.
Also, I think there will be complications for Wilson as the donor. I imagine Wilson will want to do the 60% liver transplant to give his friend the best chance of surviving. I also think House is going to be enraged at the friend because of his fear of losing Wilson. I also think he will be mad at Wilson - AT FIRST - for being willing to risk his life - knowing that he is the only person Houseloves and has. Yep I said it. There's no way in hell I believe House is in love with or loves Cuddy - NO WAY. Doesn't make sense or follow from the story they've been telling since the PILOT EPISODE.
In terms of House/Wilson touching, I'm thinking there will be some touching at the end of Wilson. But I think most of the touching will be in episode 11, the one that airs January 10 or 11. I think the touching in 10 will be about House's fear of losing Wilson. When Tucker dies, I think Wilson will withdraw emotionally which will devastate House. In episode 11, I think it will be about two people who love each other and demonstrate this love through physical intimacy. I'm almost certain we'll see House climb into Wilson's bed and probably hold him and YES kiss him probably starting on his forehead and with Wilson's encouragement eventually on the lips. I think it will be more about love, comfort, and intimacy rather than lust and sex. I think it is possible to be physically intimate sans the lust. We could also see House bathing Wilson or feeding him. But bottom line, what prompts House to get physical with Wilson is his attempt to draw Wilson out of his shell - to bring him back from the emotionally dead so to speak.
I hate Cuddy, Huddy, Luddy and the baby momma drama. But I understand why they are doing it. The TPTB are basically doing HOUSE/WILSON under cover of Huddy. I think episode 14 is a Cuddy centric episode. I don't oplan to watch UNTIL I hear on this LJ that there is a fantastic Wilson or House/Wilson scene I shouldn't miss. Last week, Ausiello reported that Cuddy who is still bedding Lucas will do the bump&grind with an additional person. My assuption is that it's House unless of course Cuddy goes all 13 on us. I hated the Huddy kiss. It grossed me out - BIG TIME!!. The Huddy dance - didn't see it - Tivo's past it. Well I've been doing that pretty much anytime she's onscreen - except with Wilson. I can't TiVo past anything with Wilson in it. Just can't.
Back to House/Wilson. I think their physical intimacy which probably take place mostly in ep 11 will be romantic and gentle and sweet and magical and just lovely. The HEAT, HOTNESS, SEXY, AWESOMENESS WILL COME FROM THAT POWERFUL CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE TWO ACTORS. I swear I could watch HL and RSL sitting in a room doing nothing. They are just that awesome together.
The first (American) promo was when first noticed jaundice, I believe. In the scene right after Wilson says, and I quote, "You've only got about 24 hours left." Tucker looks incredibly yellow, so I assumed jaundice and thus liver failure.
My personal opinion is that House probably thinks he loves Cuddy, or that he "wants" to love her, because that is what he thinks he should do/be feeling. I hover back to season 5's finale, Both Sides Now, where House's own mind in the form of Amber chastises him with the words, "So this is the story you made up about yourself. It's a good one," before his mind conjures Kutner with the rather final words of, "Too bad it isn't true."
I'm also drawing on last week's Ignorance is Bliss. The POTW storyline where he was deliberately dumbing himself down since it was the only way from his point of view that he could sustain happiness, and because he wanted to want his wife. Frankly, on a very personal note, I was horrified that House approved of the patient continuing to destroy his intellect. It may be lonely at the top, but House has had Wilson beside him for near two decades. Seems like he's still taking Wilson for granted, but I have high hopes this will finally change after 6x10, if Wilson's very life is at risk.
I hope for all the House/Wilson touching possible. :D
I find it interesting that whilst I cringe in revulsion/embarrasment by proxy and bemoan in "not again"-ness at any House/Cuddy touching, and have thus come to fear it, I have negligible to no such fears of House/Wilson touching. While I admit I may be biased towards the "slash" so to speak, my feelings are that any touching on the part of House/Wilson would not be born out of lust, and may thus be why I am not adversed to anything physical hapening between them.
Reply continued below due to LJ-character limit.
Please be aware that I am not judging you, or anyone else that may read this for that matter (I am also well aware this next statement of mine may seem contradictory to that, but it is meant to illustrate a different point rather than contempt), but I have a massive disdain for people who cannot control their own behaviour with their mind. I think that's why I scoff at people who can't control either their (depending on what mood I'm and and what the circumstances are surrounding the feelings) lust/love - my brain wants to believe that one can overcome hormone-based lust based on willpower. It is also why I scoff (not intentionally - I am trying to rectify this horrid behaviour) at those who gravitate towards one another on pure lust and no apparent logic, the latter of which I have become convinced does not exist at all with House/Cuddy (I refuse to even mention the contraction "Huddy" - sounds awful).
I see why the writers gave Cuddy the storyline of wanting a child of her own, but being unable to conceive because of her age, as it is a real and serious and growing problem for many women around the world whom originally passed on the opportunity of family to further careers (something which I actually admired Cuddy for during the first couple of seasons). Wanting a child of her own does not make her any less of a "strong" woman. However, I am personally convinced that we are have long since past that, and are now somehow into the idea that the traditional nuclear family is the only way for Cuddy to be happy, and the only way for House to be happy/fufilled while we're at it. Having a father in the family does not make a family functional, but Cuddy no longer seems satisfied with just a child; she wants the man she fancies (I refer to the UK term here, where "fancy" means "to have a crush on") as well, nevermind incompatible personalities and objectifying comments (which I am convinced she unconscously likes), and my respect for her has dwindled (along with her clothing) since mid-season 3 or so.
As for Tivo, I assume that is the American version of Sky+? We used to have Sky (not Sky+, the latter which allows you to record your favourite programmes), but they started to jack the price up by a good amount each year, and considering we had hundreds of channels which we did not watch, we ended up cancelling the package. Anyways, I have to watch House on the internet until the DVDs come out, so there's unfortunately no fast-forwarding. Even if there was, however, my morbid curiosity would eventually win out, and it would likely be a case of "Huddy" curiosity kill the Phoenix cat.
And I completely agree that the characters of House and Wilson have remarkable chemistry. <3 They should so get together, fly off to Canada and marry already.
I hope for all the House/Wilson touching possible. :D
I find it interesting that whilst I cringe in revulsion/embarrasment by proxy and bemoan in "not again"-ness at any House/Cuddy touching, and have thus come to fear it, I have negligible to no such fears of House/Wilson touching. While I admit I may be biased towards the "slash" so to speak, my feelings are that any touching on the part of House/Wilson would not be born out of lust, and may thus be why I am not adversed to anything physical hapening between them.
I think the touching will be borne of love, affection, knowledge of what each needs emotionally and physically, and comfort. I too find the Huddy touching cringeworthy and just plain gross. Technically, the actors, directors are doing a good job but the Huddy physical scenes seem to lack something. I think it has to so with chemistry between the two actors - really it's just not there. Everyone knows that HL and RSL are very close friends and they enjoy working together. I think someone posted some candid shots of Epic Fail and there;s one where HL is chewing on a carrot and smiling at RSL. Of RSL looks like he's somewhere else. Now back to the characters.
I don't see House moving on Wilson in a sexual way. I really think it will be about drawing Wilson out, providing some physical comfort, and House showing Wilson how he really feels about him. It may be sexy, romatic and HOT, but I don't think sex will be the motive behind any H/W touching. I definitely think we'll see them in bed TOGETHER. We start out with them sharing a hotel room, Then House drugs and depants Wilson. Later, recall that Wilson accused House of not asking him what he wants or respecting his wishes. I think in any physical scene, we're going to see House doing both. Maybe Wilson ask House to sleep with him or House ask Wilson if he can join him. Whichever way it happens, it wil be about love and respect and comfort - NOT SEX AND LUST (which rarely if ever translate well onscreen)
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