Wow. (O.O)
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My piano-aspirations are to be able to play Tatakau Monotachi like this one day. Right now, this song is so difficult I can't even get the opening bars down right before my hands (and right foot) start spasming in abject terror. ^^;;
Hmm... Well looking at the sheet music for Tatakau Monotachi, there's not any pedalling notation (as opposed to say, Chopin), however I tend to pedal anyways. I always go by what I think sounds good and obviously certain parts of songs sound better sustained (i.e. particular chords and portions). On the other hand my instructor used to tell me to break a pedal at the end of a chord and down again before the next one started if there was a succession of them; well that prevents the notes of mixing into one another and becoming horribly jarring and desconstructive, but... I just tend to play by ear now. 8DD;; PLZ DON'T KILL MEEEE~~ ToT
And if that wasn't enough to put you in a grave before making you turn in it, I've pretty much forgotton what all notation stands for. O_O;; I look at a note and I can't tell a quaver from a crochet and I only read music sheets to figure out WHAT the notes are in the first place (i.e. C-D-E etc.). How long I have to hold them for and when to crescendo and so forth comes from listening to the piece in question repeatedly until I memorize how it's supposed to sound in my head (I'm quite good at replaying whole tracks in my head) and then I go about copying it when I'm self-teaching a piece.
*cowers in a corner and covers head in ph34r of being stoned to d34th*
I say you are lucky to have received training at all! That already puts you a step ahead [technique-wise] than most of the rest of society. It's a pity you didn't get to complete it but your life is still going and no one says you can't continue on with it now if you so choose ^^ See I didn't -get- to choose, I was forced into the talent my mother believed that I possessed from the ripe young age of 5 and missing out on so many things due to practices, competitions, recitals, memorization, Nationals, etc, was quite a burden even though it always paid off tremendously in the end [and secretly was quite an ego-boost i had over my peers].
It sounds as though you and I feel similarly on pedaling then ^___^ Truth is with most sheet music you don't get pedal notation though I have come across a good few that did instruct such.
What I love most about this revelation is that we actually are similar - despite all my training, because when it comes to sight reading, I fail horribly. My sister [who was also forced into the profession] can read a piece of music the instant you put it in front of her whereas I need time to resolve the notes and practice. However, I've always been able to place a set of earphones on my head and recreate the song note-for-note on my own because I too play by ear XD It's a fantastic thing I think to be able to play a whole song upon a mere listen. It's also come in handy for moving onto the guitar, I can tell you that much. I figure out everything on my own and only look for tabs when a chord or particular riff has boggled me [and also to compare accuracy with other note-takers].
Goodness my love, I wouldn't ever stone you to death!! I enjoy talking about this sort of thing; I could honestly keep this conversation going for days ^___^
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