Knights of the Round = bathroom break

Oct 21, 2006 22:44


Name/Alias: Panida (pa-nee-da)
Age: 16
Gender: F
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: male preferably, since I can't think of one for myself so I'm curious but if you also can't than you can go for a girl x)
Where you heard about this community: random browsing & thinking "...why am I not already a member of this?"

About You

Favorite Color: pink, grey
Favorite Food: dim sum, meat, dark chocolate
Favorite Song (and why): Wow, don't make me choose. I do love this quote from 'Over the Sky' by Hitomi Kurioshi though,
...If you take to the skies,
I want to be your wings.
One day, I promise I will have supple wings that will never snap,
no matter how strong the wind may be...
Strengths: spunky, achiever, caring, trying to be more self-reliant, book-smart, languages/words, friendly, fast learner, will put up a fight for what I believe in, not a pushover, dedicated to what I care about
Weaknesses: I think too much; over-analyzing how people say and do things, can be short-tempered, scatter-brained, I have a hard time opening up to people about my problems, indecisive when it comes to little things but I try to be decisive and follow through with decisions of more gravity, cautious (but I wouldn't say no to some adventure ^^!), worrier, a personal need to prove myself, I dwell on memories and things, I second-guess myself sometimes
What you love: laughing, languages, Tolkien, thunderstorms, arts/music, anime, manga, videogames
What you hate: people who don't listen, blind followers, wasted talent, apathy
Hobbies & Interests: inventing smoothies, doodling, watching anime, reading books/manga, pilates, golf, violin, arts, music, academics, languages
Your dream: become a dentist or pharmacist & eventually to be a good wife/mom


Optimistic or Pessimistic: ...realistic, mostly. I'm more pessimistic for myself but optimistic for others.
Mature or Immature: in between, I like to have fun but know when to get down to business.
Summer or Winter: winter -- Florida winter at least, it's that nice brisk weather that just makes me feel alive
Morning or Night: night, I feel more motivated but in the morning, I feel like I have more time to do what I have to do
Outgoing or Shy: either, depending on the company. I can come off as quieter sometimes but people who are familiar with me will say "what's up with you? I've never seen you quiet!"
Conservative or Risky: I'm really not much of a risk-taker.
Lead or Follow: well, I won't exactly volunteer to lead but I guess I'm a leader at heart. I can't help take charge a bit if I think things can go more efficiently ^^;
Confident or Modest: I have a good outlook on myself but I'm not one to flaunt it, I think it's more satisfying for people to know about your er, I guess 'greatness' without you having to tell them
Logic or Emotion: a mix of both, depends on how emotionally unstable I am


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I guess so, not whole-heartedly though as I'm a bit paranoid.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? They both have their perks but if given the choice, a group.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
Wish I helped people but walk away anyway & also believe people get what they deserve/work for usually

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
same as the answer to logic/emotion -- think things through usually 'cause I'm not impulsive unless I'm really emotionally unstable or defensive

What is your choice weapon and why? gun, not so messy & won't necessarily kill -- also long range so I have more time to think

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? This is really corny but I think everyone in the world should have someone that they know truly loves/cares for them because with that I believe you can overcome anything life can throw at you because that someone will be the light to pull you out of the darkness xP & If that can be fought for, yes I would.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was fearless -- that way I could go all out in everything, no holds barred.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)

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