Name/Alias: Jessica, AKA Jay.
Age: 17.
Gender: Female.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: No pref, although I would slightly prefer male, but that's just because...I don't really relate to girls that much. >_>;;; If that makes sense. But I don't really mind either way.
Where you heard about this community: Found a link to it in the
ac_shadow comm userinfo page.
About You
Favorite Color: Greens and browns. Mostly earthly, neutral colors.
Favorite Food: Anything spicy. Chicken, chips, fish, cheese, chocolate (0.o?), anything that CAN be spicy, if it's spicy and I eat it, I'll be happy. I've survived eating suicide chicken wings. And I thought they weren't that hot. My mouth is also possibly made of leather. Or I've just burnt all my tastebuds off and everything now tastes like icecream when it's supposed to be hot. Who REALLY knows.
Favorite Song (and why): That's an ever-changing answer. Right now, my favorite song is probably "Wisemen" by James Blunt, because the lyrics and tune are just so utterly beautiful. But my all-time favorite song is probably "Life" by Our Lady Peace. I want that song played at my funeral. The lyrics just move me every single time I hear them, and there's something about that song that just makes me feel like everything we do in life, every mistake we make, isn't that bad, and it makes me remember that no matter what happens, everything will be alright one day. It's a song that really gives me hope when I'm feeling down in the dumps.
Strengths: I love making people laugh. I also love helping people who are feeling down or sad, and I'm excellent at cheering my family and friends up. I'm clever and quick-witted and love telling jokes. I also have very strong faith in things, and I'd never, ever give up on something I strongly believe in. I'd go to the end of the world for someone I really love, and I never back down from something, even if it seems terrifying.
Weaknesses: I tend to be really cold and removed from MANY situations. I'm too quiet, and I'm a little bit shy. People also always find me weird or abnormal because I don't talk that much around people who make me a little uncomfortable. I swear too much, I don't like kids, I laugh when people get hurt...I'm generally pretty cruel, you could say.
What you love: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, video games in general, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, too many types of music, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Fall Out Boy, From First to Last, Avenged Sevenfold, Rammstein, Pink, making LJ icons, horror novels, horror films, Stephen King, J-horror, cheesy slasher flicks, fantasy, 80's fantasy films, Lord of the Rings, anime and manga, Angel Sanctuary, Fruits Basket, Yami no Matsuei, comic books, Marvel comics, DC comics, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Blade, Batman, Superman, the Flash, Constantine, Sin City, Hellboy, comic book movies, vampires, Anne Rice, Neil Gaiman, my digital camera, Livejournal, America's Next Top Model, Supernatural, talking on the phone, my German heritage, my piercings, dreaming of one day getting a tattoo, life in general and most definitely I love living.
What you hate: Sexism, homophobia, racism, prejudice in general, people judging me just because I have piercings, being forced to learn French because I live in Canada because I honestly FAIL at French, people who only listen to one type of music, stupid bimbo girls, most TV shows, Canadian winters, having writer's block, whenever my mom tells me I'll never be able to become an actress, people telling me I have dry skin, beauty salons and the people who work at them because they always try to make me feel like I'm ugly. Some other things that I can't really think of right now.
Hobbies & Interests: Photography, computer graphics, video games, listening to tons of music, reading and writing, LIVEJOURNAL (well no kidding), collecting action figures...not much else. I'm not with hobbies. Most of my interests are up there in the What-You-Love section anyway.
Your dream: Becoming a famous actress/writer/director. Any of the three would be me reaching my wildest dream. If I had to pick only one of those, I'd say my dream is to become a actress. I love to act, and I tend to get more in touch with my true self when I pretend to be other people, if that makes any sense at all. Otherwise, my realistic dream is to just live long and prosper, really.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm a mix of both, but I like myself better when I'm optimistic.
Mature or Immature: I'm VERY mature. Always have been. But that doesn't mean I can't connect with my childhood, I'm just very serious and mature and act like an old soul sometimes.
Summer or Winter: Summer. I like being able to just throw on something quick and dash outside and not worry about freezing my ears off. And sunlight makes me all happy and positive.
Morning or Night: Morning. I love seeing sunrises, and I'm VERY much a morning person. If I get woken up at 5:00 A.M., I'll still be in a good mood. Probably better than if I wake up too late. I looooove mornings. Not that I dislike nights. I love nights too.
Outgoing or Shy: I'm shy, really. Sometimes. Certain people (namely women) make me really uncomfortable and so I get sort of shy. I'm very outgoing around guys and my friends. I'm also very crazy in public and loud and silly, so I'm not shy in that sense. I just don't like talking to certain people. Especially people who try to make me feel stupid and insult me all the time, which most women always do.
Conservative or Risky: Risky. Everything in my life I go all-out in. If I go to get my hair cut, I won't just get it cut a little bit and dye it brown. I'll have it cut really crazy short on one side and dyed white and purple. And within the first week I got my ears pierced, I also got my nose AND my eyebrow done. I like doing things to shock people and I'm not very conservative at all. I like taking risks, no matter what they are. I do plan to sky dive one day.
Lead or Follow: Following, being humble, but making suggestions that are better than what the leader's coming up with. I'm a leading-follower. If that makes sense. I just don't like having the pressure of being a leader, but I'd make an excellent one if I ever did decide to lead.
Confident or Modest: Modest. I act like I know nothing and suck at most things. But in truth, I know deep down that's not true. I just don't like being over-confident or cocky. I find it rude. So, I try to be as modest as possible.
Logic or Emotion: Logic. I never make rash, emotional decisions. I always, ALWAYS use my brain. I'm a very logical person. Almost to the point of making people think I have no heart.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I don't trust people at all. Not even my closest friends. Why? Because a long time ago, I had a huge group of friends, and they were closer to me than anyone ever has been. We knew eachother forever, and we all promised to be friends forever. It lasted about seven years. Then, they left me. THEY all stayed friends, yeah, but left me behind and started hating me and virtually running away from me whenever they'd see me and saying rude comments behind my back that I could clearly hear. And I put SO much into those friendships, and they all just threw it back in my face. I've had a really hard time trusting people ever since.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? Alone. I don't like have other people breathing down my neck all the time. I also tend to get really awkward and start screwing up when I'm working with others. And most the time, I'm stuck doing all the work in a group anyways, so I may as well just be alone. Then it's more quiet and I get more peace and time to think.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? If it's someone I know, I'll do everything possible to help them. I'll exert all my time and energy sometimes, helping people. But in any other circumstance, like, seeing a random person struggling somewhere, I'll just walk on by and not even think twice about it. I'm very uncaring like that.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? An odd mix of both. If I don't act on impulse, I generally decide against things, so I have to make wild crazy decisions out of nowhere and then I'll do them. For example, I bought tickets to a concert in Januray, and it's only six days away now, and I'm TOTALLY freaking out, because I've had so long to think about it. But if I bought the tickets the day before the show (saying that's possible), I'd be totally calm and collected. So, I NEED to act on impulse, because taking my time freaks me out, but I do it often. I wish I didn't. >_>
What is your choice weapon and why? A KATANA. Because I actually HAVE katana's in my house. I own three of them. I like collecting swords. I love swords. So, if I had to pick something, I'd probably grab one of my katana's. Because they're just so awesome. Not that I could use it very well, but...whatever.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? I believe in equal rights for everyone, and absolutely, I would fight for it until the end of time.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? I'd try to get myself to open up to people more. I'm a very happy-seeming person, on the outside, but I'm very cold and distant and cruel and weird on the inside. And I'm so negative towards people when they try to get close to me. I kinda get freaked out when people tell me they love me, too, which I wish I could change.
(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
Required (For the time being, until the participation of this community speeds up, members will be required to vote on at least 5 other applications before they can be stamped. Below, post the five links so we can verify) I did one too many OMG I SUCK! xD