Name/Alias: Steph
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Girl...though I'm actually kind of curious to see what guy I could be as well since I'm really maybe both?
Where you heard about this community: Umm...affiliates page of another FF rating community, no clue which one though :p
About You
Favorite Color: Oh, and green...but I also love all shades of blue, rose red, lavender, and silver
Favorite Food:
I'm a cook, so this is one of the hardest questions ever for I'll cheat a little--I don't like foods that are extremely greasy or high in fat--not that I'm a healthy-food-only person (I was baking before I started kindergarden :p), but to me grease just overtakes flavor. I probably have the most well-stocked and diverse kitchen of almost any college student out there, and I love foods of all ethnicities. And I love fresh fruits and veggies :)
Favorite Song (and why):
Another toughie...but I really love "Belle/Belle's Reprise" from Beauty and the Beast...mostly I listen to instrumental stuff if I'm not listening to musical soundtracks though, in which case I love the FF, Harry Potter, and LotR soundtracks, and just about anything ever written by Danny Elfman :)
I'm extremely intuitive--I'm good at getting people to open up and talk about their emotions, and generally good at knowing exactly what to say (or what not to say) to help them, I'm strong-willed--I know what I believe in and will not sacrifice it for anything, and even though it might take me awhile to commit to something, once I do, I don't give up, and I'm very self-sacrificing--I devote myself whole heartedly to the people and activities I care about, and tend to neglect my own feelings and well being because of it, I'm also fairly neat and organized, compassionate, a dreamer, and though I am extremely feminine, I'm a stagehand so I still own more tools than most guys I know and, if pressed (and if it was in my nature), could probably give a severe beating if someone crossed me the wrong way
I think I have my head in the clouds a little bit too much some of the time and tend to become disheartened with the real world, I can be quite stubborn, I'm kind of OCD about how I organize things and about keeping things clean, I can be very secretive-sometimes as a means of staying in control when I feel like I'm not, but generally with my emotions--I'm good at getting other people to talk about their feelings but have a hard time talking about my own, and I'm also slightly moody, though I'm getting much better at the whole "don't sweat the small stuff" ideal and it actually keeps the mood swings much lower :)
What you love:
My friends, my family, my pets, my will, light & color, good food, nature, beauty in the world around me, thunderstorms, flowers, snow (even though I hate the cold...), the ocean, the mountains, dreams, and fantasy
What you hate:
Intolerance, arrogance, disrespect for other people/the environment, homework, cold weather, bland & colorless rooms, traffic, fast food, headaches (I have one now...owie)
Hobbies & Interests:
As stated before, I *love* to cook, and it's probably the one thing that I'm actually confident enough with to say I'm good at it, I'm an amateur seamstress, I'm a theatre major concentrated in lighting and stage management, I have a strong background in music and play a couple of instruments, video games (obviously :p), Disney movies, artsy movies in general, photography, writing, and design of almost any kind (lighting, interior, costumes, you name it)
Your dream:
My five year goal is to work for Disney--I want to work in one of their theme parks as either a stage manager, lighting technician, or a Princess...kind of different, yes...but I've worked as both an SM, electrician, and costumed character at other theme parks, so I figure I've got a shot at at least *one* of them :) Long-term, I want to work in film doing post-production editing...I would love to work for either WETA digital, or on anything remotely associated with Tim Burton, and to one day own my own restaurant. I know that one doesn't really fit in, but my very first career goal from when I was 5 years old was to be a cook, and I've never really let go of that. I also want one day to have my own family--I would gladly give up all of my other dreams to be a mother, I think it must be the most magical experience any woman can ever go through.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Definitely optimist :)
Mature or Immature: Mature--but I have my moments :)
Summer or Winter: Summer if I had to choose, but my favorite season is Autumn
Morning or Night: Dusk
Outgoing or Shy: I'm not *shy,* but I'm definitely a lot more reserved than a lot of my friends. I have no problem meeting people and being a part of large groups, but I much prefer smaller groups with people I know well, and I need the occasional alone time to recoup :)
Conservative or Risky: Risky for decisions that only affect the present moment, but when it comes to the long-term, conservative--I overthink when it comes to the future
Lead or Follow: Lead...I don't mind following, but I tend to work well as a leader because I can read people well enough to tell which leadership techniques to employ, and how to empower people instead of just telling them what to do.
Confident or Modest: Generally modest...there are certain things I'm good at, but in everything there is always room for improvement, and in the areas I do excel, if I'm truly doing a good job then my results will speak for my success--not me.
Logic or Emotion: Emotion for the most part...I used to hold myself back on a lot of decisions because I felt one think but had been taught to expect something else, but I'm slowly realizing how foolish that is--my heart will lead me to the right spot, and even if it doesn't then I will at least grow from the experience. When it comes to quick decisions though, logic doesn't even begin to show its face.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? Honestly, not really...and I wish I could. I've grown up having people I should have been able to trust--mainly my father--let me down at the worst possible times, and have been burned in several relationships, and it's put me at a point where I don't. I can trust people to carry out certain tasks--but as far as interpersonal relationships, I tend to doubt people's affection a lot.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? A little bit of both. I like group work because you can collaborate with others and come up with ideas that you never could by yourself, and because there is so much laughter to be shared in groups--afterall, theatre is a hugely collaborative project and that's my passion...but when it comes to smaller assignments, especially with people I don't know, I would rather work by myself, just so that way there is a definite balance in workload, and I can get kind of uncomfortable when I'm made to work closely with someone I don't know well
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? Help people whenever I can...I have so many times sacrificed my free time, or even time that should be spent sleeping or on homework (and sometimes class), to talk to somebody who was having a problem, or to help someone out with a project (especially during show installs) when they were working either alone or just a couple of people, because I don't think it was fair that I got to go home when they were still working. I've let complete strangers into my house at 2am when I was already in bed before because they were locked out in the freezing cold (which probably wasn't wise but they were like, 12 year old girls and I just wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had made them stay outside). I feel better about myself when I do something for another person, but I also just believe it's just the *right* thing to do
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
Again...if it's short-term, or if it has to do with someone else, I act on impulse, but when it comes to the future I tend to overthink...but again, slowly I'm starting to realize that I don't need to dwell on those decisions for as long as I do
What is your choice weapon and why?
First and foremost, I would love to be a summoner...after that, I think that my nature would make me a natural candidate for a healer, however my actual weapon would probably be a bow & arrows--I already can kind of shoot, and I just think it's an amazing weapon...I'm taking martial arts classes once my school schedule dies down, and I've always loved swords--I wouldn't want anything fancy like a buster sword or gunblade, but I like Tidus' swords if FFX so maybe something like that...but I would probably want to wield a bow if I couldn't summon :)
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I guess...I believe in kindness towards others--in whatever way you want to see that discrimination or intolerance, and helping people when you can...and I definitely would fight for that...that, and for the people I love.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Hmm...well, kind of two, but they are kind of linked...I think, in general, I would listen to the voice in the back of my head more (as strange as that sounds :p). I would say the things I want to say instead of holding them inside out of fear or hurting someone, or moreso, fear of exposing myself and then being hurt...and I would be less afraid of the future--but a lot of that has to do with listening to that voice, and again, accepting that my heart will lead me to the right place.
(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
Required (For the time being, until the participation of this community speeds up, members will be required to vote on at least 5 other applications before they can be stamped. Below, post the five links so we can verify) Sorry I wrote so much!