Paper flowers

Feb 24, 2010 20:30

They'd gone separate ways for the party. Squall was Squall, of course, and he'd needed time to reflect and to think, so she'd sought comfort and distraction in the birthday celebration while he took that time.

But now the celebration was over, and Aeris was sure it'd been hours since she'd seen Squall, or felt his sturdy, reassuring presence. In his silence, there lie so much careful thought, such full emotion, lurking under the surface, that it smothered out the emptiness of the island. She was so glad he was here now. Without him, the island seemed...void. Like one of ShinRa's cells, with invisible watchers peering in at her.

She loved Cloud, of that there was no question. She loved Zack, too. She loved AVALANCHE and Roxas and all of New Wutai. But this...felt different. This must have been the sort of love that Tifa spoke of. It was all so exhilerating and new, and she couldn't help wanting more.

Aeris tilted her head, as she wandered up toward the hut where Squall resided. She couldn't see into it, or sense anyone within it, but it seemed the most likely place he would be. "Squall? Hello?"

squall, tabula rasa

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