Feb 15, 2006 00:03
So most of the people that were online today had one of two possible reactions to this Valentine's Day....one: it was happy valentines day everyone I love "inerts name here" forever and always....two: I fucking hate valentine's day blah blah blah. I was rather indifferent to be honest with you. Today was just another normal day that..well..just went by. I had class and Keri and mom were out late for one of her volleyball games. So i made dinner and tried to clean the house up a little bit so that I wouldn't like a bad daughter. Baked cookeis and took some to dad at work(why is it when I do things like that I become every FEMALE nurse's ideal daughter? They just love it "awwh dale isnt she sweet?")
Had a nice talk with Wenderz today about needing a new job (no offense to those of you I work with..I love YOU guys...just not the job itself)Decided that when the time comes and I feel motivated I'll actively persue a new career, but for now..McD's is working around MY schedule which is probably the best it could be considering I'm involved in alot of activites.
I need to figure out what I'm doing. Lately I've just been rolling with the punches and dealing with things as they come. I've let down almost ALL of my walls and have made some absoluetly STUPID decisions. What happened? Last Year at this time I knew what I was doing and did it with a clear head and I knew what my outcome would be. Now....shit now I don't even know! I feel like Im lacking in the emotion department and I don't even stand up for things that I would normally pitch a fit about. I'm seriously missing my LHN friends and even more-so my family (whom i rarely see anyways!) I feel stretched, I guess is the right way to place this emotion. I feel like my friends want me to do things but I dont really see why? I feel like I'm not pulling my weight in any of my relationships...be it friends or family, and when I think of ways to be more involved...I realize that I simply just don't have enough hours in a day! between classes, work, studying, and all the stupid little things that ALWAYS seem to work their way into a day....at the end of the day I'm either utterly exhausted or still busy.
I wanna let ashley know that I really really really love her for being there for me and listening to me complain...and then snapping me out of it. She's really something else and I really don't know where I'd be without her....probably eating a cheeseburger or something! I know that her life is probably just as difficult as mine is...if not more because of all the classes she's taking, but the fact that she has the time to listen to me means more than she could ever know. Pedicures...soon...I promise!
Now I'm off to bed because if I dont sleep soon....I'm gonna pass out right here
<3 <3