Dec 30, 2005 13:50
~~Random questions~~
1) Starting time? 1:49 pm
2) Full name? Krista Marie Teschler
3) Why did you get a livejournal account? Because it was a good way to keep in touch with my friends and their lives
4) If you could be ultimately talented at one thing, better than anyone else, what would it be? Singing
5) What would you say is your biggest strength now? Money Management
6) What would you say you are the worst at? Finding Love and Friendship
7) Who are five people off the top of your head that mean more to you than anyone else? Mia Shelly Karl Ashley Keri
8) If you have drank before, describe your first time drinking as well as your most recent drinking experience, if you havn't drank before, what the hell is wrong with you? My first drinking experience was with I was a Senior at LHN and I went to a party with my brother. My last drinking exp. was the day before christmas....hangover from hell
9) What is your wallpaper on your desktop? 2004 Red Ski-Doo MXZ 800 snowmobile....I want!
10) What is your wallpaper on your cellphone desktop? It says Te Quiero
11) If you could change one thing about your own body, what would it be? My feet
12) Who is one person the world could do without? I agree...Paris Hilton
13) What is a type of animal the world could do without? BUGS !
14) Last thing that pissed you off? Topher
15) Last thing you can remember that truely put you in a great mood? Hanging out with Mia on Christmas
16) Pet elephant or pet giraffe? Giraffe...because they're tall!
17) Champagne, red wine, white wine, or blush wine?: Champagne
18) Hard alcohol or beer? ALCOHOL!!
19) Find someone you love early in life and be loyal to them, or date many people until later in life and then find someone? Numero Uno
20) Have a passion and be great at one thing or be talented at many things you try but not the best? Many Things
~~When you're with somoene~~
21) Stand back and let them do their own thing without trying to know what they're doing, or be a more complex part of their life and know exactly whats going on? Know whats going on
22) Rather them be overly affectionate or overly standoffish? Overly Affectionate
23) Rather them have many similar interests that you already have or different interests that you can learn about? Both
24) Know everything about them or know little about them? I want to know everything about them...iside and out
25) Have them be very independent and have them do a lot of their own thing or more devoted to you? There should be a division of that. Yes be devoted but at the same time be able to do things separately and just not always have to be together
26) Do their views on religion, politics, social situations, etc need to be similar to yours? Yes
~~Later in life...~~
27) If you could have any job you wanted and you didnt have to worry about money, the education to get there, or social acceptance; what would it be? Newsanchor or Radio Host
28) Realisticly, what do you think you're going to be? Teacher
29) Work hard now and be better off in the future or be a slacker now and have to work harder in the future? Slacker now...
30) How many kids would you like to have? 2 or 4 NEVER 3
31) At what age would you like to be married by? Definetly before Im 30
32) Where do you want to live? Anywhere...but Michigan
33) Any pets? Maybe a doggie
34) What yearly salary would you be happy with between you and your spouse? Whatever income we need to live comfortably and health-ily
~~Random again~~
35) Pick a number between 1 and 100? 16
36) Look around, what is the most expensive thing you can see? digital camera
37) What do you hear right now? Music from the speakers and my sister
38) If you could be with one person right now, who would it be? Ashley
39) Find the first writing near you not on your computer that you see, what does it say? -note to self...don't let krista forget to put the trash out >_< - Im pretty sure my mom wrote that
40) If you could say one thing to anyone you love, your mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, or pick someone else; what would it be? I have no idea
41) Favorite boys name? No idea
42) Favorite girls name? No Idea
43) Greatest accomplishment? Figuring Out ME
44) Ok, spill the beans, whats one secret you've been keeping in? That will NEVER get out
45) Do you own an Ipod? What color is it? No No Ipod here
46) Whats the most random thing that's in the room you're in right now? Pillows?
47) Does anything hurt on your body right now? No not really
48) Go skydiving or take a nap? NAP! Im afraid of heights
49) Oreos or Chocolate chip? oreos!
50) Ending time? 2:08 pm