...I had to!

Sep 21, 2005 22:04

How to prepare for a Hurricane using Duct Tape:

10. Duct tape an "X" across windows if you don't have plywood to cover them. This will prevent the glass from shattering into 52,581 pieces.

9. Duct tape around windows and sliding glass doors to prevent water from leaking in. In fact, a guy in Florida did this to his sliding glass doors during a major hurricane. The storm took the roof off of his house, but his sliding glass door was still in place.

8. Duct tape your stuff in place. If your roof is removed, you still have your furniture and nicknacks.

7. Duct tape is totally waterproof. Thus, it turns any item of apparel into rainwear.

6. Covering your entire car with black duct tape will give it a stealth look, maybe the hurricane won't see it. If the hurricane does happen to find your car, the extra duct tape "skin" will minimize the damage.

5. Remember that plastic sheeting and duct tape that the Department of Homeland Security told you to stockpile? Use these items to create a giant hang glider to fly your family above the evacuation traffic.

4. Duct tape your family leg to leg so you don't lose anyone.

3. Fill your bathtub with water then use duct tape to form a giant debris-proof cover over the tub. Punch a hole in the duct tape tarp, insert a hose, and you have a large supply of emergency drinking water.

2. If you are caught outdoors, duct tape yourself to a large tree.
or better yet...

1. If you find yourself in the direct path of the hurricane, duct tape yourself on the side of a bus and get outta town!
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