(no subject)

Aug 02, 2003 11:17

Well, Ryan has been here and gone. As usual, we fought constantly over stupid stuff. I only saw him for about an hour his last week here, so I skipped my lab to go the the airport when he left. I SOBBED! It was just me, Ryan, and his dad there. As soon as Ryan started to say goodbye I got all misty-eyed and Ryan's dad got all uncomfortable and said bye really fast and left us there alone. I think I would have been ok if I didn't know that he was shipping back out the the Gulf when he got back to Japan.
So, back to the me and Ryan fighting constantly thing. He pretty much said any guy I date that's not him I'm lowering my standards for. I do admit... what the hell was I thinking dating Ben, but I have not lowered my standards for anyone since. I asked my what provoked him to say that and his reply was "my name's not Dan". Then I asked him what he had against Dan and he changed the subject. Technically, I've been seeing Dan for over a year. I'm sure if he lived closer than Cinci he would be my official boyfriend. He has indirectly gotten me addicted to Blues Traveler. I liked BT before we met and had a BT cd, but Dan is obsessed and I started listening to BT a little more, and after seeing them live and meeting the band I'm obsessed. Some of their songs are pure sex! The only non-sexy parts in songs are the long harmonica solos. Don't get me wrong, the harmonica stuff is surprisingly awesome, but you can't really have sex to it.
Back to another fight we had... I understand that he was only home for 17 days and he had a lot of people to squeeze in, but if we have plans and the plans change, call and tell me!!!! We made plans two days in advance to spend the day together the day before my bio lab midterm. I called him at noon that day to make sure things were still on, they were, so I told him I was going to lab for about a half hour to talk to my lab partners and I'd call him when I was leaving campus. I called when I was leaving and he wasn't there. He said he had to go to the airport to fix something with his flight, so I figured that was what he was doing and would call me right back. It was almost 8 and he hadn't called yet. I call his parent's place and he was sleeping! I had his brother wake him up and he swore he was sick and was home sleeping all day. I knew that was total bullshit, blew up on him and said I didn't want to talk to him ever again. He tried to say we never had plans! We made plans two days in advance and I had already talked to him that day about it! All he had to do was call and say "I'm not feeling well, can we do something later". He did stuff like that too many times while he was home. We had plans his first night home and they got changed. I called from work and said I'd be over at 8:30. I get there, and he wasn't home. Luckily he was with his brother, so I was able to call his cell and track him down. There's also him being playful and wrestles with me constantly, but he doesn't realize his own strength and that he's at least 50 pounds heavier than me and all muscle. I was covered in bruises from the first night I saw him! My mom wanted to report him for domestic violence!
I'm sure if he didn't join the Navy things would be completely different. Either we'd be amrried, or we would never speak to each other... that's how odd our relationship is. When things are good, they're really good, but when they're bad, we hate each other. Either way, it's not health. It's probably best that I only see him for a few weeks every couple of years.
So yeah... the past two and a half weeks have been... yeah...
Next bit of fun: Aug. 16 at Pirates Cove in Cleveland!!! T.Condo!!!!
Bit of fun after that: Sept 6 in Cinci!!! Chanty and I are driving down for Aly's house warming/birthday! AND I'll get to see Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
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