Mar 08, 2007 19:52
i filled out my first forms to move today!
and i tried to go and check out my new place, but the office was closed, so I'll have to go tomorrow.
it's virtually next door to katie's diner!!! :) eeeee!
and i didn't see the doctor...but I'm going to go tomorrow, I swear. instead of going to see the doctor today, I had to go fill out moving forms. c'est ca. tomorrow for sure. then i have to get someone to help me move, haha. and either pay a taxi or lug my things all the way there (katy, you know how far katie's diner is. a pretty good walk.) i'm leaning towards the taxi...haha. and this'll be happening this weekend (if i can get it all sorted tomorrow! cross your fingers) or early next week.
i hope i dont have to spend another weekend in this stupid place- but if i do, it'll just make me all the happier that i'm leaving.
and duhhh lots of pictures of the new place will be taken when everything is in order :)
bone of the day- axis! one of your most important vertabrae.