Volume 187/Issue 7

Mar 24, 2020 19:26

Volume 187/Issue 7

Circulation: One thousand one hundred and eighty-nine. Welcome all!

Note from the Mods: Please encourage friends on your friends list to join and send their news. If you have an announcement you would like to make, a fic you'd like to promote, a question you'd like to ask, we invite you to simply format it according to the rules on the info page and email it to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. You do not have to be a member to post but we are an open community and encourage everyone to join now. Only the mods may initiate new posts but comments are encouraged.


From TORn: Tolkien Reading Day, Wednesday 25 March
Tomorrow is Tolkien Reading Day! And as so many of us are social distancing and staying at home right now, let’s get our copies down off the shelves and share some favourite paragraphs together. [Read more]

Today in Middle-earth, March 25
The following event(s) took place in Middle-earth on March 25th: [Read more]
From Deadline: ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ Shuts Down Production In New Zealand Over Coronavirus Fears
The Lord Of The Rings has joined a swathe of other major TV and film projects in shutting down as coronavirus wreaks havoc on global production schedules.

The New Zealand Herald reported that Amazon’s epic retelling of J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel has ground to a halt for at least two weeks after the country’s decision to bring in tough border controls, meaning anyone who arrives must isolate themselves for 14 days. [Read more]
COMMUNITY NEWS: Note from the Mods: We would like to invite the moderators of other fandom communities to become 'reporters' or 'scouts' for middleearthnews. All we ask is that you send us formatted updates on your own communities for posting here.

* tolkien100 updates:
Gleaming Spires (Aredhel; rated PG) by hhimring
CHALLENGES/WORKSHOPS/AWARDS: The current challenge at tolkien_weekly is Unmentionables: Spectacles

The current challenge at tolkien100 is Spying a Far Off Shore.

From silwritersguild:
Lockdown Instadrabbling on Wednesday, March 25 Sheltering in place? Locked down? Self-isolating? Next Wednesday, March 25, we are going to hold Lockdown Instadrabbling on the Silmarillion Writers’ Guild Discord server to spend time with fellow fans (while practicing social distancing!) and bring art and joy to the world at a time when it very much needs it. I will be online to start us off at 8 AM Eastern Time, but anyone who wants to start earlier should feel free to do so.

What is instadrabbling? Traditionally, instadrabbling involves a group of writers getting together, choosing four random words from a book, and using those four words to write and share drabbles (exactly 100 words). However, since at the SWG, we are much more about creativity than conformity, we welcome all Tolkien fanworks creators (not just Silmarillion and not just writers) to come together and make and share fannish things. We’ll certainly be drabbling to traditional prompts during that time, but all are welcome to write, create, read, squee, and just hang out!

Open invites to our server are temporarily closed, but anyone who wishes to join us can email us at moderator@silmarillionwritersguild.org or PM me on any of my social media platforms, and I will send an invite to join the server now. On the day of instadrabbling, I will open and post an invite across all of our spaces for those who want to participate.
From hobbit_kink:
RPF prompt post #3
Prompt post #19
FIC/ART NEWS: From AO3 - Archive of Our Own:
-- TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works
-- Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
-- Lord of the Rings RPF -- The Hobbit - All Media Types
-- The Hobbit - Jackson movies
-- The Hobbit (2012) RPF
-- The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
DISCUSSIONS OF INTEREST: * Via /r/Tolkienfans:
Beauty in the details
One of the most thrilling parts of re-reading The Lord of the Rings is discovering new treasures like this one found in the chapter, "The House of Healing""Then, whether Aragorn had indeed some forgotten power of Westernesse, or whether it was but his words of the Lady Éowyn that wrought on them, as the sweet influence of the herb stole about the chamber it seemed to those who stood by that a keen wind blew through the window, and it bore no scent, but was an air wholly fresh and clean and young, as if it had not before been breathed by any living thing and came new-made from snowy mountains high beneath a dome of stars, or from shores of silver far away washed by seas of foam."
I shared this with my aging mother who wept at the simplicity and beauty.

What are some of those hidden treasures you love?
CLASSIFIED: Your friendly middleearthnews mods are constantly on the lookout for all things LotR-related, from fics to fandom events, comics to current news. Make them happy by emailing them at middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
RESEARCH AIDS:. From Middle-earth and J.R.R. Tolkien Blog:
The Sauron Strategies: Footsteps Into Failure
Sun Tzu points out the wisdom of the “divide and conquer” strategy, but he also advocated the use of massive, overwhelming, superior force whenever it was available. The art of war is indeed an art, for both sides in any given war have the potential to learn and adapt. One of the notable qualities of Middle-earth history is Sauron’s mutability. He alters his strategies.
TRIVIA: Friday's BOOK question: What was the name of the not-often-used alarm of Buckland, which was also called the Horn-cry?
Answer: Horn-call of Buckland.

noadvertising answered correctly.

Today's MOVIE question contributed by estelle3974: What foodstuff does Frodo almost bump into as he carries ale back to Sam, Merry and Pippin at the Green Dragon?

All comments are screened so that only the mods can see the answers. Comments will be unscreened when the next edition is posted. Any comments on a different subject will be unscreened ASAP.
SEND MATHOMS: The mods would like to wish anyone having a special day the very best. Please send your special wishes to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
COMICS: (Link contributions are welcome)

From Memebase:

That's it for this edition. Please send your formatted post for Friday's edition by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern time) to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. Thanks for joining us and tell your friends!
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